


MC pju

1. general term for adult man.
a. husband; e.g. 夫婦 fūfù, husband and wife.
b. 夫人 fūrén, respectful term for wife of official, dignitary, or nobleman: Lady (X), Her Ladyship; when used for wife of someone of lower status, Madame.
2. sentence-final rhetorical interr. GP: “no?,” “isn’t it?,” “n’est-ce pas?,” “nicht wahr?”; e.g. 固矣夫 gù yǐ fū, it has become certain, hasn’t it?; 亡之命矣夫 wáng zhī mìng yǐ fū, bringing about his demise, clearly it is Fate, isn’t it? 3. noun suffix to words referring to people; e.g. 匹夫耕之 pǐfū gēng zhī, the lads will plough it; 彼丈夫也我丈夫也 bǐ zhàngfū yě, wǒ zhàngfū yě, he is (just) a fellow, and I am (just) a fellow.

MC bju

1. sentence-initial modifier indicating that the substance of the sentence applies to any individual case or any instance of the sentence topic or SUBJ: in any particular case, in any particular instance, in any respect > however you look at it; e.g. 夫蚓上食槁壤下飲黃泉 fú yǐn shàng shí gǎorǎng, xià yǐn huángquán, in any particular case of an earthworm, above it eats from dried leaves and dirt, below it drinks from the Yellow Springs; 夫人幼而學之 fú rén yòu ér xué zhī, in any given instance, when a person is young he studies it; 夫仁政必自經界始 fú rénzhèng bì zì jīngjiè shǐ, however you look at it, a humane government inevitably starts from laying out proper boundaries.
2. demonstrative pronoun indicating the one implied, understood, or singled out, also the one further removed or less obvious: that (one, kind of . . . ), those; mostly pre-imperial, used afterward largely for archaic effect, being usu. replaced by 彼 bǐ.

夫道若大路然 夫婦 夫明堂者王者之堂也 夫人 夫人幼而學之 夫仁政必自經界始 夫水勢勝火 夫壻 夫蚓上食槁壤下飲黃泉 夫戰者萬乘之存亡也 夫智不足以見賢 夫子殆將病 夫子喟然歎曰 夫子至於是邦也

彼丈夫也 是故惡夫佞者 我丈夫也

大夫 固矣夫 金紫光祿大夫 匹夫 僕夫 若夫 士大夫 亡之命矣夫 庸夫 丈夫





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