


tíng MC deng

1. watchtower, look-out post at the frontier.
2. precinct, in Qin-Han times an administrative unit below the level of the district (xian 縣), the main functions of which were local peacekeeping and providing accommodations for travelers, in Han times the administrative buildings of precincts were usu. a combination of precinct-house and guest-house and located at intervals of ca. 10 li 里.
3. (med.) pavilion, kiosk, small structure for respite and scene-viewing with a roof supported by columns but no walls; N.B. this meaning not common until 5th/6th c..
4. sgl. or rdup., stand straight, tall and upright, jutting erect; rdup. also, far and remote.
a. 亭午 tíngwǔ, “straight up to the wu-hour or zenith”, i.e. precisely noon.
5. rear, raise; ensure the proper shape of.
a. balance, harmonize, manage justly.
6. ⦿ 停 tíng, stop; 渟 tíng, standing water.






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