

字词 人工自然    

人工自然    【英】

artificial nature


[2]Artificial Nature and Natural Art: Spenser’s “The Faerie Queene” and Marvell’s “Upon Appleton House”. via: http://www.gradesaver.com/the-faerie-queene/essays/artificial-nature-and-natural-art-spensers-the-faerie-queene-and-marvells-upon-appleton-house




[2]林德宏,陈洪良.迈向新世纪的课题——人工自然研究[M]. 湖北教育出版社,2000.


1. 这是说,过去的哲学家们都以为自己标注为世界本原的东西就是真实的实在,而实际上,真实的情况是哲学家们“在讨论了事物之后很久”,那些被形形色色哲学奉为基始的东西(“物质”、“意识”、“自然”、“人”、“类”、“实体”、“逻各斯”、“理性”、“实践”、“无意识”、“意志”、“生命”、“意向”和“存在”等)“才会在这里发展起来”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:4-5

1. It means that, although the preceding philosophers have claimed the so-called foundation of the world is certain actual substantiality; however, the fact is, long after the philosophers has discussed things, those various kinds of alleged primacies (“substance”, “mind”, “nature”, “human”, “species”, “noumenon”, “logos”, “reason”, “practice”, “unconsciousness”, “will”, “life”, “intent” and “being”, etc.) “will here be developed.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 18-19.

2. 很自然,这样的怀疑可能会有。如果我遇到这样的反对意见,我就要用以下的话来回答。的确,由于经济解体,经济破坏,商品缺少,运输力薄弱,耕畜和工具被毁,要广泛地改进经营是做不到的,但是,在许多个别情形下,小规模地改进经营,无疑还是能够做到的。就算连这点也办不到吧,那是否就是说,公社无法使附近农民的生活改变,无法向农民证明,集体农业企业不是人工培植的温室里的植物,而是工人政权对劳动农民新的帮助,是协助农民去同富农作斗争?我相信,即使这样提问题,即使我们在现时经济破坏条件下无法实行改良,只要在公社和劳动组合中有忠实的共产党员,那还是可以做出很多很多成绩来的。——《列宁全集(第三十七卷)》,1986:365-366

2. It will be only natural for doubts of this kind to be expressed. But if I had to reply to such objections, I would say this: assume that owing to the disorganisation of economic life, to economic chaos, goods shortage, poor transport and the destruction of cattle and implements, an extensive improvement of farming cannot be effected. But there is no doubt that a certain, not extensive, improvement is possible in a number of individual cases. But let us assume that even this cannot be done. Does that mean that the communes cannot produce changes in the life of the neighbouring peasants and cannot prove to the peasants that collective agricultural enterprises are not an artificial hothouse growth, but a new form of assistance to the working peasants on the part of the workers’ government, and an aid to the working peasants in their struggle against the kulaks? I am convinced that even if the matter is regarded in this way, even if we grant the impossibility of effecting improvements under the present conditions of economic chaos, a very great deal may nevertheless be accomplished if there are conscientious Communists in the communes and artels. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 30), 1974: 201.


例句 1:
In artificial nature theory, science is a method of transforming natural nature to artificial nature, while industrialization is the method transforming the artificial nature to social nature.

例句 2:
With the development of science, technology and economy, the contents of artificial nature are becoming richer and richer, evolving into wider and wider fields, which have exerted deeper and deeper influence on the economy and society.

例句 3:
The evolvement from artificial nature to ecological nature needs the ecological experience of human beings, whose essential is embedding economic production to nature. The paper analyses value developing degree and ecology dimension of artificial nature firstly, and fartherly proposes the ecology embedding problem of economic action and ecointerface notion of industrial production in artificial nature and discusses the property and relationshi





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