

字词 主观


subjective (adj.); subjectivity


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 345.






1. 因此,当我们要寻找极端的幻想、盲从和迷信时,如果不到那种象德国自然哲学一样竭力把客观世界嵌入自己主观思维的框子里的自然科学派别中去寻找,而到那种单凭经验、非常蔑视思维、实际上走到了极端缺乏思想的地步的相反的派别中去寻找,那末我们就大致不会犯什么错误。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:389

1. In accordance with this we should hardly err in looking for the most extreme degree of fantasy, credulity, and superstition, not in that trend of natural science which, like the German philosophy of nature, tries to force the objective world into the framework of its subjective thought, but rather in the opposite trend, which, exalting mere experience, treats thought with sovereign disdain and really has gone to the furthest extreme in emptiness of thought. -Quoted from Marx & Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 345.

2. “决定论的立场正确还是非决定论的立场正确,这是无法证明的。只有至善至美的科学或者证明其不可能有的科学才能解决这个问题。这里的问题是:我们在考察事物时使用(man heranbringt)什么样的前提,要看我们究竟把多大的主观成分(subjektives Gewicht)归于以往研究的成败。但是在进行研究时,每个思想家在理论上必然是一个决定论者。”(《认识和谬误》德文第2版第282-283页) ——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:196-197

2. “The correctness of the position of determinism or indeterminism cannot be demonstrated. Only a perfect science or a demonstrably impossible science could decide this question. It is a matter of the presuppositions which we bring (man heranbringt) to the consideration of things, depending upon whether we ascribe to previous successes or failures of the investigation a greater or lesser subjective weight (subjektives Gewicht). But during the investigation every thinker is of necessity a theoretical determinist” (Knowledge and Error, 2nd German edition, pp. 282-83). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 191.

3. 齐泽克说,马克思经济哲学(历史现象学)所提供的两个尺度,即物化颠倒与抽象成为统治的双重颠倒,已经为我们理解幻觉(illusion)提供了正确的方式。马克思所说的那个“尽管他们对其一无所知,但却仍然正在做”,其中的幻觉并不发生在主观的“知”上,而是真实地发生在现实自身之中,幻觉就存在于人们正在做的事情之中。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:391

3. According to Zizek, Marxist economic philosophy (historical phenomenology) provides two measurements, namely, the material inversion and the double-inversion of abstraction becoming the ruler, on which we depend in order to understand illusion. In Marx's saying that “they do not know it, still they are doing it”, fantasy does not take place with the subjective “knowing” but occurs with the reality itself, with what people are doing. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 502.


例句 1:
The contradiction between suhjective rationality and sense of commonality is theprofound antinomy of modernity.

例句 2:
However, when Husserl tried to elucidate the correlation between world and subjectivity, he encountered the following problem:while human subjectivity is a part ofworld, how could it play the role as the condition of the world at the same time?

例句 3:
The problems like historical facts under the perspective of metaethical objectivismand subjective constructionism, the theoretical defects of metaethical objectivism and subjective constructionism as well as the existence of historical authenticity are expounded





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