字词 | 主权 |
释义 | 主权【英】sovereignty译文来源Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 238. 定义主权是指国家固有的独立自主处理国内和国际事务而不受他国干涉或限制的最高权力。其内容包括政治独立、经济主权和领土主权。政治独立,主要表现为国家独立自主处理自己的内外事务,对内可以自由地选择政治制度和社会制度,组织政府,制定法律,管理国家,行使审判权等;对外可以独立地进行国际交往、缔结条约、承担国际义务等。经济主权,主要表现为国家可以独立自主地选择经济制度,制定经济政策,享有本国自然资源的永久主权,发展本国民族经济等。领土主权,主要表现为国家领土不可侵犯,国家在其领土上行使完全的排他的管辖权。国家在对外关系上行使主权,但不得同国际法的基本原则相违背。国家之间应互相尊重主权和主权平等的原则。主权是国家最重要的属性,是最高权威。一国的主权不可分割,不可转让,神圣不可侵犯。在半殖民地、半封建的旧中国,是不可能谈主权的不可侵犯性的。只有在中华人民共和国成立后,主权才得以完整地体现。相互尊重国家主权,由中国提出,作为和平共处五项原则的内容之一,已成为世界普遍遵守的国际法基本原则。(翟泰丰,1994:64)。 定义来源翟泰丰.党的基本路线知识全书[Z].辽宁人民出版社,1994. 例句1. 全军要深刻认识军队在国家安全和发展战略全局中的重要地位和作用,坚持把国家主权和安全放在第一位,坚持军事斗争准备的龙头地位不动摇,全面提高信息化条件下威慑和实战能力,坚决维护国家主权、安全、发展利益。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014: 216 1. The whole of the armed forces must have an in-depth understanding of the important role it has in the broad picture of China’s national security and development strategies. It must put national sovereignty and security before any other consideration. Being “action ready” must be its major task, and it must comprehensively enhance its deterrence and combat capacity in the information age. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 238. 2. 沃克尤为关心主权概念,一个在冷战之后亟需反思的概念。冷战结束后,主权概念的“空间扩张范畴”在世界许多地区陷入了混乱(只要看一看南斯拉夫,就会知道这在政治上可能存在多少问题)。沃克以典型的后现代方式拒斥了那些关于主权不管时代如何变化都存在某种“本质”的思想,如同拒绝个人认同一样拒绝了“主权”认同。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:189 2. Walker is particularly concerned with the concept of sovereignty, a concept much in need of rethinking in the aftermath of the Cold War when its ‘categories of spatial extension have been thrown into disarray in many areas of the world (one has only to think of the former Yugoslavia to realise how problematical this can become in political terms). In typically postmodernist fashion, Walker rejects the idea of there being any ‘essence’ to sovereignty holding over time. This is no more true of ‘sovereign’ identity than it is of personal identity. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 121. 3. 三是坚持联合国在国际事务中的引导作用。在反恐问题上,联合国应该有更大作为,倡导鲜明的是非标准,推动国际社会坚决打击任何形式的恐怖主义。在网络问题上,联合国要发挥主渠道作用,讲规则、讲主权、讲透明,尊重各国在信息、安全上的关切,实现共同治理。中国将继续坚定支持联合国工作。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:251 3. Third, the UN should play a leading role in international affairs. Regarding the fight against terrorism, the UN should play a bigger role by promoting clear-cut criteria of right and wrong so as to advance the fight against terrorism of all forms. It should also serve as the main channel in protecting cyber security, advocate rules, sovereignty and transparency in this regard, respect the concerns of different countries over information safety, and achieve common management. China will continue to firmly support the UN. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 275-276. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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