

字词 中高速增长


medium-high rate of growth; medium-high-level growth rate


Report on the Work of Government, 2016. via: http://english.gov.cn/premier/news/2016/03/17/content_281475309417987.htm






1. 保持经济中高速增长,推动产业迈向中高端水平。实现全面建成小康社会目标,到2020年国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番,“十三五”时期经济年均增长保持在6.5%以上。加快推进产业结构优化升级,实施一批技术水平高、带动能力强的重大工程。到2020年,先进制造业、现代服务业、战略性新兴产业比重大幅提升,全员劳动生产率从人均8.7万元提高到12万元以上。——《2016年政府工作报告》

1. We should work to maintain a medium-high rate of growth and promote the development of industries toward the medium-high end. To finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and double the 2010 GDP and per capita personal income by 2020, the economy needs to grow at an average annual rate of at least 6.5% during this five-year period. To that end, we will move faster to improve or upgrade the structure of industry and launch initiatives that use advanced technologies and can drive industrial development. Our goal is that by 2020, advanced manufacturing, modern services, and strategic emerging industries as a proportion of GDP will have risen significantly and that per capita labor productivity will have risen from 87,000 yuan to over 120,000 yuan. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2016.

2. 我们要把握好总体要求,着眼于保持中高速增长和迈向中高端水平“双目标”,坚持稳政策稳预期和促改革调结构“双结合”,打造大众创业、万众创新和增加公共产品、公共服务“双引擎”,推动发展调速不减势、量增质更优,实现中国经济提质增效升级。——《2015年政府工作报告》

2. Keeping in mind these requirements, we must focus on achieving the dual objectives of maintaining a medium-high-level growth rate and moving toward a medium-high-level of development. We need to maintain policy continuity and keep expectations stable while moving forward with reform and structural adjustment, and we need to develop twin engines to drive development: popular entrepreneurship and innovation, paired with increased supplies of public goods and services. This will ensure that our growth rate is adjusted without weakening momentum and that growth in quantity is underpinned by greater quality, thereby achieving a better-quality, more efficient, upgraded economy. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2015.

3. 2014年,我国面临的形势依然错综复杂,有利条件和不利因素并存。世界经济复苏仍存在不稳定不确定因素,一些国家宏观政策调整带来变数,新兴经济体又面临新的困难和挑战。全球经济格局深度调整,国际竞争更趋激烈。我国支撑发展的要素条件也在发生深刻变化,深层次矛盾凸显,正处于结构调整阵痛期、增长速度换挡期,到了爬坡过坎的紧要关口,经济下行压力依然较大。同时要看到,我国发展仍处在可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期,工业化、城镇化持续推进,区域发展回旋余地大,今后一个时期保持经济中高速增长有基础也有条件。我们必须防微虑远,趋利避害,一定要牢牢把握发展的主动权。——《2014年政府工作报告》

3. In 2014, we are still in a complex environment with both favorable and unfavorable factors. The world economic recovery still faces instability and uncertainties. Macro-policy adjustments made by some countries introduce new variables into the equation, and emerging economies are facing new difficulties and challenges. The global economy is undergoing profound adjustment and international competition is getting fiercer. We are at a critical juncture where our path upward is particularly steep: The basic conditions underpinning development are undergoing profound changes; deep-seated problems are surfacing; painful structural adjustments need to be made; the pace of economic growth is changing; and downward pressure on the economy remains great. At the same time, it should be noted that China has the foundation and conditions for maintaining a medium-high rate of economic growth for some time to come: We are still in an important period of strategic opportunity during which great progress can be made in China's development; industrialization and urbanization are being advanced; and there is considerable potential for regional development. We must address problems as they emerge, guard against latent problems, and keep the development initiative firmly in our hands. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2014.


例句 1:
Under the situation of New Normal, China's economic development must be a development that centered around economic construction, a scientific development that follows laws of the economy, a sustainable development that follows the laws of nature, and a inclusive development that follows the laws of society. Keeping a medium and high growth speed, is not only the basic characteristics of China's economic development under new normal, but also its basic requirement.

例句 2:
研究结果表明,消费需求释放有利于扩大产业发展空间; 消费水平差距缩小有利于促进城乡一体化; 消费需求释放有利于打破“双顺差”的锁定。因此,消费需求释放是产业结构、城乡结构和内外结构的重要推动力,是供给侧结构性改革的主要动力,可以在助推我国经济保持中高速增长的同时不断优化经济结构。——“释放消费:优化经济结构的有效路径”,载于《中国井冈山干部学院学报》2017年01期
The result of research shows that, the release of consumption demand is beneficial for expanding the space of industrial development; the decrease of consumption level is helpful for the promotion of urban—rural integration; the release of consumption demand beneficial for breaking the lockage of “dual trade surplus”. Therefore, the release of consumption demand is an important drive upon the industrial structure, the urban—rural structure and the inter





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