

字词 “光明行”


the "Brightness Action" program




1. 中方将参与非洲疾控中心等公共卫生防控体系和能力建设;支持中非各20所医院开展示范合作,加强专业科室建设,继续派遣医疗队员、开展“光明行”、妇幼保健在内的医疗援助,为非洲提供一批复方青蒿素抗疟药品;鼓励支持中国企业赴非洲开展药品本地化生产,提高药品在非洲可及性。——《习近平:开启中非合作共赢、共同发展的新时代》

1. China will help Africa strengthen its public health prevention and control system as well as its capacity building by participating in the building of the African Center for Disease Control. We will support pacesetting cooperation between 20 Chinese hospitals and 20 African hospitals, and upgrade hospital departments. We will continue to send medical teams to Africa and provide medical assistance such as the "Brightness Action" program for cataract patients and maternal and child care. We will provide more anti-malaria compound artemisinin to Africa, and encourage and support local drug production by Chinese enterprises in Africa to increase Africans' access to medicine.—Quoted from Open a New Era of China-Africa Win-Win Cooperation and Common Development—At the Opening Ceremony of the Johannesburg Summit of The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation





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