

字词 阿尔都塞(又作“阿尔图塞”)


Louis Pierre Althusser


Louis Pierre Althusser. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Althusser


阿尔都塞(Louis Pierre Althusser,1918—1990),法国哲学家,结构主义的主要代表之一。1918年生于阿尔及利亚,1930年到1936回法国读中学,二战期间在法国参加反法西斯战争,被德军俘虏并关押于德国集中营(冯契等,2008:485)。二战后,阿尔都塞进入法国巴黎高等师范学校学习,1948年获得博土学位,并留校任教,同年,加入法国共产党(夏基松,1987:244)。他在党内从事马克思主义的理论研究,但与伽罗蒂的观点有些矛盾,因此在1966年受到法国共产党中央委员会的指责。他反对对马克思主义作人道主义的解释,并以结构主义观点来重新解释马克思主义(冯契,2008:485)。他把“意识形态”与“科学”这两个概念绝对地对立起来(夏基松,1983:338),“认为意识形态是具有独特逻辑和规律的表象体系,其实践职能超过理论职能,科学则是一种理论,与人们的实际利益无关”(冯契等,2008:485)。他认为在马克思的早期思想发展中,在认识论上存在着科学同意识形态的断裂,“即1845年以前非科学的意识形态时期和经过1845年的决裂和1845至1857年的过渡以后的科学时期”(夏基松,1987:244)。他反对经验主义和人道主义,以结构主义解释理论活动,认为理论也是一种实践。他认为马克思主张结构因果性,即经济、政治、文化等多种因素处于平等地位的相互作用,是用多元决定论代替一元决定论,实际上离开了马克思主义的社会存在决定社会意识,以及辩证法关于矛盾的一系列理论(冯契等,2008:485)。


[1] 冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2008.
[2] 夏基松.现代西方哲学辞典[Z].安徽人民出版社,1987.
[3] 夏基松.当代西方哲学[M].黑龙江人民出版社,1983.


1. 英格兰的辛德斯和赫斯特、欧洲大陆的安德烈·高兹(André Gorz)和鲁道夫·巴罗(Rudolf Bahro)等人,揭示了20世纪最后数十年马克思主义者自身也开始对其理论遗产感到的严重不安。因此,我们将进一步深入历史,看一看我们在某种程度上能否找到一种在经典马克思主义内部发挥作用的后马克思主义。这就要在卢卡奇。卢森堡、法兰克福学派、布洛赫、萨特以及或许还有阿尔都塞等理论家的著作中寻找后马克思主义的倾向。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:2

1. Figures like Hindess and Hirst in England, and André Gorz and Rudolf Bahro on the Continent, reveal the considerable degree of unease Marxists themselves are beginning to feel about their theoretical heritage by the closing decades of the twentieth century. Then we delve further back in time to assess whether we can identity, as it were, a post-Marxist at work within classical Marxism. This involves searching for post-Marxist tendencies within the work of such theorists as Lukács, Luxemburg, the Frankfurt School, Bloch, Satre, and, somewhat unwittingly perhaps Althusser. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 1-2.

2. 因此,在阿尔都塞的著作中,我们拥有了意识形态国家机器概念或文化机构(例如教育体系或媒体)概念——它们传递出公认的资产阶级行为模式,即那些旨在限制异议发展的行为模式。武装力量仍然在背后作为最后的手段(压迫性国家机器)。然而,在拉克劳和墨菲对其经典地位的解读中,霸权是一个旨在掩盖马克思主义理论的裂缝的概念。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:22

2. Thus in the work of Althusser we have the concept pf the Ideological State Apparatus, or the cultural institution (such as the educational system or the media) which passes on approved models of bourgeois behavior - that is, those geared to restrict the growth of dissent. Armed force remains in the background as a last resort (the Repressive State Apparatus). In Laclau and Mouffe’s reading if its classical one, however, hegemony is a concept designed to disguise a gap in Marxist theory. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 13-14.

3. 第三种解读模式即是西方马克思主义科学方法学派的所谓“断裂说”。质言之,也可以称之为对马克思哲学思想的意识形态与科学的异质论的解读模式。这种解读模式恰恰是在对上述第二组解读模式的理论逻辑的反拨中形成的。20世纪60年代,法国西方马克思主义者阿尔都塞以科学主义(主要是巴什拉的认识论和准结构主义)方法重新界划马克思思想发展进程,提出了所谓的马克思哲学的“断裂说”。阿尔都塞没有从一般文本的表层语义出发进行反思,而是着眼于马克思思想发展的不同特点的深层理论结构(“问题式”,即提问的基本方法和逻辑结构)从而指认了存在着以1845年4月马克思的《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》为分界线的两个马克思,即处于人本主义意识形态逻辑框架中的青年马克思与创立了全新科学世界观的马克思主义者的马克思。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:6

3. The third interpretive model, advanced by the Western Marxist school of scientific methodology, is the so-called “rupture theory”. Simply put, this can be considered an ideological and scientific interpretive model which emphasizes the heterogeneity in Marx’s philosophical thought. This model was formed as a theoretical repudiation of the second interpretive model. In the 1960s, the Western Marxist scholar Louis Althusser, using methods of scientism (primarily Gaston Bachelard’s epistemology and quasi-structuralism), re-categorized the progressive development of Marxist theory by proposing the “rupture theory” in the collection of essays of the general texts, but rather focuses on the underlying theoretical structure (the “problematic”, or fundamental method and logical structure of posing question) of the various characteristics in the development of Marx’s philosophy. Thus, Althusser identifies two Marxs, divided by Marx’s These on Feuerbach, which was published in April of 1845. The first Marx, supported by the logical framework of humanist ideology, he dubs “young Marx”, and the second Marx, the Marx who established a brand new scientific worldview, he calls “mature Marx”. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxiv-xxv.


例句 1:
Louis Pierre Althusser, the well-known French representative philosopher of Marxism after WII, is of great significance to scientific marxism pondering both from the perspectives of collegiate and non-collegiate Marxist Criticism and Structuralism.

例句 2:
As an outstanding Marxist thinker, Lious Althusser plays an important role in modern West science.

例句 3:
Louis Althusser, 1918-1990, is a French Marxist philosopher, also known as “structural Marxism” and scientific Marxist. He inherited, developed and made an outstanding contribution to the Marxist theory, especially for the Marxist theory of ideology and State theory.





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