

字词 专政




He Yiting. The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China—On General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream” [M]. London: New Classic Press, 2015: 88-89.


专政特指一定阶级的政治统治。在经济上占统治地位的阶级,运用其掌握的国家权力,对社会实行控制和管理。专政一词原指无限的权力,是拉丁文dictature的意译,原为古罗马最高执政官的称谓。并用以特指拥有至高无上绝对权力的统治者和统治方式。到了近代,在西方,专政通常与独裁、专制混用,指高度集权的个人统治或党派统治,认为专政的统治形态与民主政治,与分权体制是互相对立的。马克思主义用阶级的观点分析了国家的统治与被统治关系,认为国家的实质就是一定阶级的专政。任何国家都是一定阶级对其他阶级的专政。国家以军队、警察、监狱、法庭等作为主要专政工具,以维护既定的统治关系。同时,它又以一定的政治原则和政权组织设施,组织行政的、经济的、文化的等等社会管理机构,实现其社会管理职能。专政的含义并不等同于独裁或专制。从本质上看,历史上出现过两种根本不同性质的专政:一种是少数剥削者对绝大多数人的专政,如奴隶制国家、封建制国家、资本主义国家。另一种是绝大多数人对少数人的专政,即社会主义国家无产阶级(通过共产党)领导的、以工农联盟为基础的政治统治,即无产阶级专政。统治阶级依靠国家机器对敌对阶级实行的强力统治。国家的本质就是一定阶级的专政。(专政. via:http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E4%B8%93%E6%94%BF#300|2|hd_ad_doc_iframe_18)


专政. via:


1. 严明党的政治纪律,必须坚持和健全民主集中制,自觉维护党的集中统一,自觉维护中央权威。人类社会历史表明,每一个社会都要建立维护该社会正常运转和发展所必需的权威。恩格斯在《论权威》一文中指出:“把权威原则说成是绝对坏的东西,而把自治原则说成是绝对好的东西,这是荒谬的。”列宁曾经指出:“造就一批有经验、有极高威望的党的领袖是一件长期的艰难的事情。但是做不到这一点,无产阶级专政、无产阶级的‘意志统一’就只能是一句空话。”国际和国内、历史和现实都告诉我们,一个成熟的马克思主义政党,一定要最充分地发挥人民群众的伟大创造力,同时要最明确地维护党的领导集体的权威和作用。——《学习习近平总书记重要讲话》,2013:95-96

1. Strengthening the political discipline requires the insistence and improvement of the system of democratic centralism as well as the consciousness to maintain the unity and authority of the Party. The human society history reveals that every society should establish the authority to maintain the harmonious and smooth-working society. Engel wrote in “On Authority”: It is absurd to describe authority as the absolute evil, so does to describe autonomy as the absolute good.Lenin once said: it is an arduous task to train a group of experienced Party leaders with high prestige. But the dictatorship of the proletariat would be nonsense if it had not been achieved.The past and present at home and abroad show that a mature Marxist political Party needs the masses to give full play to their creativity and at the same time safeguard the authority of the Party leaders. -Quoted from The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China-On General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream”, 2015: 88-89.

2. 革命战争的激烈发展,要求我们动员群众,立即开展经济战线上的运动,进行各项必要和可能的经济建设事业。为什么,现在我们的一切工作,都应当为着革命战争的胜利。首先是粉碎敌人第五次“围剿”的战争的彻底胜利;为着争取物质上的条件去保障红军的给养和供给;为着改善人民群众的生活,由此更加激发人民群众参加革命战争的积极性;为着在经济战线上把广大人民群众组织起来,并且教育他们,使战争得着新的群众力量;为着从经济建设去巩固工人和农民的联盟,去巩固工农民主专政,去加强无产阶级的领导。为着这一切,就需要进行经济方面的建设工作。这是每个革命工作人员必须认识清楚的。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:119

2. The growing intensity of the revolutionary war makes it imperative for us to mobilize the masses in order to launch an immediate campaign on the economic front and undertake all possible and necessary tasks of economic construction. Why? Because all our present efforts should be directed towards gaining victory in the revolutionary war and, first and foremost, towards gaining complete victory in the fight to smash the enemy’s fifth “encirclement and suppression” campaign; they should be directed towards securing the material conditions which will guarantee food and other supplies for the Red Army, towards bettering the life of the people and so stimulating their more active participation in the revolutionary war, towards organizing the masses on the economic front and educating them so as to provide fresh mass strength for the war, and towards consolidating the worker-peasant alliance and the democratic dictatorship of workers and peasants and strengthening proletarian leadership by building up the economy. Such economic construction is essential for the attainment of all these objectives. This must be clearly understood by everyone engaged in revolutionary work. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 129.

3. 粉碎“四人帮”以后,我们拨乱反正,就是要纠正极左思潮。同时我们提出还是要坚持马列主义、毛泽东思想。我们一九八一年见面时谈过“四个坚持”,就是坚持社会主义道路,坚持人民民主专政,坚持共产党的领导,坚持马列主义、毛泽东思想。这是四项基本原则。如果不坚持这四项基本原则,纠正极左就会变成“纠正”马列主义,“纠正”社会主义。——《邓小平文选(第三卷)》,1993:137

3. After the downfall of the Gang of Four, we began to set things to rights, that is, to correct the ultra-Left trend of thought. But we still maintained that it was necessary to uphold Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. When we met in 1981, I talked about keeping to the socialist road, upholding the people’s democratic dictatorship, upholding leadership by the Communist Party and upholding Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. Now we call these the Four Cardinal Principles. If we do not uphold them in our effort to correct ultra-Left thinking, we shall end up “correcting” Marxism-Leninism and socialism. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1994: 141.


例句 1:
The current constitution of China specifies the essence of people’s democratic dictatorship from the perspectives of the class formation, people’s democracy, and socialist system.

例句 2:
The proletarian dictatorship is the rule of the proletariat, and is the tenaciousof the proletariat under the leadership of the Communist Party against the forces and traditionsof the old society in the transition period from capitalism to the first stage of communism, which is backed bythe revolutionary violence with the goal of eliminating class society.

例句 3:
And the dictatorship of proletariat in the view of Marx does not exist in socialism, but exists only in the interim from capitalism to the first stage of communism.





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