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Story of Subduing Magic



A bianwen text from the Tang Dynasty. The story can be found in the chapter of “Sudatta Building the Vihara” in the Sutra of the Wise and the Fool (Damamuka-nidana). In the story, Sudatta, a senior official from Shravasti (Pali: Sāvatthi), visited Rajagaha and became eager to worship the Buddha after viewing a lavish meal being prepared in his honor. Afterwards, he spent a large sum of money purchasing Jetavana from Prince Jeta so as to invite the Buddha to give his teachings in Shravasti. On hearing the news that Sudatta was building a monastery complex in Jetavana, the six major teachers of other religious sects challenged Sariputra to compete with them in a display of magical powers. In the end, they were all defeated by Sariputra and then converted to Buddhism.





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