字词 | 长兴四年应圣节中兴殿讲经文 |
释义 | 长兴四年应圣节中兴殿讲经文【英】Text on the Preaching Ceremony on the Emperor’s Birthday in the Fourth Year of the Changxing Reign定义唐代讲经文。尾题“仁王般若经抄”。为长兴四年(933)后唐明宗诞辰宫廷讲经之本,内容为不空新译《仁王护国般若波罗蜜多经·序品》所述五种成就,重点在为皇帝歌功颂德。 A sutra preaching text from the Tang Dynasty; the inscription at the end reads: “A copy of the Humane King Sutra.” Hand-copied for the sutra preaching ceremony on Emperor Mingzong’s birthday in the Fourth Year of the Changxing Reign (AD 933), the text expounds the five major accomplishments in the preface of the Prajnaparamita Sutra on the Humane King Protecting the Nation (Humane King Sutra) which was translated by Amoghavajra, and paid tribute to the emperor’s virtues and accomplishments. |
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