字词 | 逻辑矛盾 |
释义 | 逻辑矛盾【英】logical contradiction译文来源Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 23) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1974: 40-41. 定义逻辑矛盾,是指思维过程中违反矛盾律要求而产生的逻辑错误,也就是人们在同一思维过程中,同时肯定两个互相矛盾的命题都为真(彭漪涟等,2010:297),即对同一论断既给予肯定又给予否定(逻辑矛盾.via:http://baike.so.com/doc/3765952-3956099.html)。逻辑矛盾是违反形式逻辑矛盾律的结果(逻辑矛盾.via:http://baike.baidu.com/view/834973.htm)。逻辑矛盾通常表现为思维和论辩过程中的自相矛盾(金炳华,2003:581)。矛盾律要求一个思想不能自相矛盾,要求思想有确定性,任何思想不能既是真实的又是虚假的;违背矛盾律就会出现逻辑矛盾,即“自相矛盾”(逻辑矛盾.via:http://baike.sogou.com/v9045060.htm)。《韩非子》盾与矛的寓言故事中,卖矛和盾的人前后提出相互否定的两个命题,这两个相互否定的命题在逻辑上就是自相矛盾的(冯契,2007:347)。列宁指出,“‘逻辑矛盾’——当然,在正确的逻辑思维的条件下——无论在经济分析中或在政治分析中都是不应当有的”(列宁,1990:131)。由于任何包含有逻辑矛盾的思想都是无法成立的,因此,正确思维必须排除逻辑矛盾(彭漪涟,2010:297)。 定义来源[1]彭漪涟.逻辑学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2010. 例句1. 他写道:“这是不是说,自决在帝国主义时代不能实现,如同劳动货币在商品生产下不能实现一样呢?”彼·基辅斯基随即回答说:“是的,是这个意思!因为我们谈的正是‘帝国主义’和‘民族自决’这两个社会范畴之间的逻辑矛盾,如同劳动货币和商品生产这另外两个范畴之间存在着的逻辑矛盾一样。帝国主义是自决的否定,任何魔术家都无法把自决和帝国主义结合起来。” ——《列宁全集(第二十八卷)》,1988:131 1. “Does this mean,” Kievsky writes, “that self-determination under imperialism is just as unachievable as labour money under commodity production?” And he replies: “Yes, it means exactly that. For what we are discussing is the logical contradiction between two social categories: ‘imperialism’ and ‘self-determination of nations’, the same logical contradiction as that between two other categories: labour money and commodity production. Imperialism is the negation of self-determination, and no magician can reconcile the two.” -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 23), 1974: 40-41. 2. 怎样证明劳动货币在商品生产下不能实现呢?通过经济分析。这种分析也同一切分析一样,不容许有“逻辑矛盾”,它运用的是经济的而且仅仅是经济的(而不是一般“社会的”)范畴,并且从中得出劳动货币不能实现的结论。——《列宁全集(第二十八卷)》,1988:132 2. How do we prove that labour money is unachievable under commodity production? By economic analysis. And economic analysis, like every other, rules out “logical contradictions”, takes economic and only economic categories (and not“social categories” in general) and from them concludes that labour money is unachievable. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 23), 1974: 41. 3. 其次,帝国主义和民主之间的这一矛盾是怎样一种性质的呢?是逻辑矛盾还是非逻辑矛盾呢?彼·基辅斯基用“逻辑”这个字眼时,却没有想一想,因而也没有觉察到,这个字眼在这里恰好是用来替他掩盖他所谈论的问题(既掩盖读者的耳目,也掩盖作者的耳目)!——《列宁全集(第二十八卷)》,1988:136 3. To continue. What is the nature of this contradiction between imperialism and democracy? Is it a logical or illogical contradiction? Kievsky uses the word “logical” without stopping to think and therefore does not notice that in this particular case it serves to conceal (both from the reader’s and author’s eyes and mind) the very question he sets out to discuss! -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 23), 1974: 45. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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