字词 | 追求男女平等 |
释义 | 追求男女平等【英】the pursuit of gender equality译文来源http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/special/2015-11/28/c_134864542.htm 例句1. 追求男女平等的事业是伟大的。纵观历史,没有妇女解放和进步,就没有人类解放和进步。为实现男女平等的崇高理想,人类走过了不平坦、不平凡的历程。——《习近平在全球妇女峰会上的讲话》 1. The pursuit of gender equality is a great cause. A review of history shows that without women's liberation and progress, the liberation and progress of mankind would not be attainable. ——Quoted from Promoting Women's All-round Development and Building a Better World for All——Remarks at the Global Leaders' Meeting on Gender Equality And Women's Empowerment |
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