

字词 进化




Evolution. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution




[1] 卡尔•波普尔.客观知识:一个进化论的研究[M].舒炜光译,上海译文出版社,2005.
[2] 亨利•柏格森.创造进化论[M].姜志辉译.商务印书馆,2004.


1. 第三种经济形态是从农业经济发展出来的,它标志着追求剩余产品的交换体系的出现,这实际上意味着资产阶级社会经济关系的确立。在斯图亚特看来,这是一种自由的制度,因为它以现实的诱导代替了强制,它通过商业的生产交换创造了一个全面的契约社会。而且,重要的是,斯图亚特认为社会经济的发展是一个合理的进化过程。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:37

1. The third economic configuration developed from an agricultural economy; it marked the advent of an exchange system that sought after surplus products, implying the establishment of bourgeois social economic relations. In Steuart’s opinion, this is a liberating system, because it uses real incentives to replace force, creating a truly socially contracted society through the production exchange that takes place in commerce. Most importantly, Steuart argues that the development of the social economy was a logical, evolutionary process. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 12.

2. 然而,恩格斯的《家庭、私有制和国家的起源》一书因过分依赖摩尔根而大为逊色,摩尔根的那种达尔文主义的进化观使恩格斯提出了一种过于一般化(普遍化)的进化图式(尤其是考虑到他几乎完全忽略了亚洲和非洲的情况)。而且,既然摩尔根关于原始杂交、群婚以及母系氏族先于父系氏族的观点都是极其可疑的,那么,据此论述家庭的一节成为这本书最薄弱的一部分,就不足为奇了。更难以理解的是,恩格斯对种的生产(人类的繁衍)与生存资料的生产这两个方面提出了严格的二分法划分。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:10

2. It suffered, however, from its dependence on Morgan, whose Darwinist evolutionary perspective led him to posit a much too general scheme of evolution (particularly considering his almost total disregard for Asia and Africa). Given also that Morgan’s ideas on primitive sexual promiscuity group marriage, and the chronological priority of the matrilinear over the patrilinear Gens are extremely dubious, it is not surprising that the section on the family is the weakest part of Engels’s book. More curious is his strict dichotomy between the production of the species on the one hand and the production of the means of existence on the other. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 13.

3. 在同一手稿的后面,他还写道:“显而易见,政治革命对工业社会化来说,是最不合时宜了。”进化能够与革命彻底地对立。伯恩施坦的唯物主义世观之所以不成熟,乃在于他否定了(且全然不懂)黑格尔和厌恶辩证法。他在《渐进的社会主义》一书中写道:“每当我们看到以经济作为社会发展基础为出发点的理论在过分强调暴力崇拜的理论面前投降时,我们都会碰到黑格尔式的原理……马克思和恩格斯的一切伟大成就都不是依靠、而是不顾黑格尔的辩证法而取得的。”而且,马克思和恩格斯的布朗基主义恰应归咎于他们对黑格尔辩证法的倚重。 ——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:32

3. And later in the same manuscript: “A political revolution is plainly the most unsuitable time for the socialisation of industry”. Evolution could plainly be opposed to revolution. The reason for the crudeness of Bernstein’s view of materialism was his rejection (and ignorance) of Hegel and his abhorrence of the dialectic. In Evolutionary Socialism he wrote: “Every time that we see the theory which starts from the economy as the basis of social development capitulate before the theory which over-emphasises the cult of force we will come across a Hegelian sentence. Every great achievement of Marx and Engels was achieved not by means of the Hegelian dialectic but in spite of it.” It was, moreover, their attachment to the Hegelian dialectic that was responsible for Marx and Engels’s Blanquism. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 36.


例句 1:
This paper analyses the industry optimization and the urban evolution by using V Arc GIS, and defines the space structure of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration as the structure of the circle industry with the multi-pole of the growth and the multi-axis of the development.

例句 2:
The essence of ecosystem is the co-evolution. There exists co-evolution within organisms, and between organisms and the environment. The evolution of one species will change the selection pressures acting on other organisms, which will cause the adaptive changes among other organisms. And this kind of change will cause further changes in relevant species, so as to promote the evolution of an entire ecosystem.

例句 3:
Systematic discussions on Sober’s unique ideas of the hot issues in the philosophical fields of contemporary evolutionary biology will help domestic scholars to grasp the essence of





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