

字词 资本主义制度


capitalist system


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1989:199.


资本主义制度是经过工业革命,由工场手工业过渡到机器大工业以后最终予以确立。资本主义制度和其他社会制度一样,继承了以往社会所创造的生产力,并且在继承的基础上又极大地推动了社会生产力的迅速发展。在促进经济发展方面,资本主义制度具有不可磨灭的历史功绩。表现为:(1)资本主义高度发达的商品经济和竞争规律促进生产力迅速发展;(2)资本主义社会化大生产为创造新的生产力和广泛应用自然力和科学技术开辟了道路;(3)适应并促进社会生产力迅速发展的科学劳动组织和管理制度的不断发展及完善;(4)资本主义剥削形式在客观上有利于生产力的发展;(5)资本主义经济制度所固有的微观经济和宏观经济的调节机制对社会生产起到促进作用。资本主义经济制度由于其固有的内在的各种条件的作用,极大地推动了社会生产力的进步。正如马克思所指出的那样:“资产阶级在它的不到一百年的阶级统治中所创造的生产力,比过去一切世代创造的全部生产力还要多,还要大。”实际上,进入二十世纪以后,资本主义社会创造的生产力远远超过了马克思一百多年以前的估计。但是,资本主义以最大的欲望追求剩余价值,造成社会的贫富分化加剧,用血和火去侵略亚非拉美各民族地区。资本主义的基本矛盾——社会化大生产和生产资料私人占有之间的矛盾无法解决,造成经济危机频现。(资本主义制度. via:


资本主义制度. via:


1. 这个人在自己的出色的文章中研究了这样一个问题:俄国是应当像它的自由派经济学家们所希望的那样,首先摧毁农村公社以过渡到资本主义制度昵,还是与此相反,发展它所特有的历史条件,就可以不经受资本主义制度的一切苦难而取得它的全部成果。他表示赞成后一种解决办法。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十九卷)》,1963:129

1. In his noteworthy articles the latter dealt with the question whether Russia should start, as its liberal economists wish, by destroying the rural community in order to pass to a capitalist system or whether, on the contrary, it can acquire all the fruits of this system without suffering its torments, by developing its own historical conditions. He comes out in favour of the second solution. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1989: 199.

2. 从历史观点来看,一个十分有利于通过“农业公社”的进一步发展来保存农业公社的情况是:农业公社不仅和西方资本主义生产是同时代的东西(这使得它不必服从资本主义的modus operandi(活动方式)就能够吸收其各种成果,而且它还度过了资本主义制度还没有被触动的时期;现在却相反,不论是在西欧,还是在美国,资本主义制度都处于同劳动群众、同科学以至与它自己所产生的生产力本身展开斗争的情况下。总之,资本主义制度正经历着危机,这种危机只能随着资本主义的消灭、现代社会的回复到“古代”类型的集体所有制和集体生产的最高形式而结束。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十九卷)》,1963:436-437

2. One circumstance very favourable, from the historical point of view, to the preservation of the “agricultural commune” by the path of its further development is the fact that it is not only the contemporary of Western capitalist production and is thus able to appropriate its fruits without subjecting itself to its modus operandi, but has outlasted the era when the capitalist system still appeared to be intact; that it now finds it, on the contrary, in Western Europe as well as in the United States, engaged in battle both with the working-class masses, with science, and with the very productive forces which it engenders--in a word, in a crisis which will end in its elimination, in the return of modern societies to a superior form of an “archaic” type of collective property and production. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1989: 353-354.

3. 我们知道,工人的工资是由厂主和工人之间的合同规定的,要阻止厂主降低工资,或者争得更高的工资,单个工人是完全没有力量的,所以很明显,工人一定要联合起来坚持自己的要求,一定要举行罢工。事实上,没有一个实行资本主义制度的国家,没有发生过工人罢工。在欧洲各国和美国,工人处处都感到单独行动没有力量,要反抗厂主,只有联合起来,或者举行罢工,或者以罢工相威胁。——《列宁选集(第四卷)》,1984:254

3. The wages of a worker are determined, as we have seen, by an agreement between the employer and the worker, and if, under these circumstances, the individual worker is completely powerless, it is obvious that workers must fight jointly for their demands, they are compelled to organise strikes either to prevent the employers from reducing wages or to obtain higher wages. It is a fact that in every country with a capitalist system there are strikes of workers. Everywhere, in all the European countries and in America, the workers feel themselves powerless when they are disunited; they can only offer resistance to the employers jointly, either by striking or threatening to strike. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1977: 313.


例句 1:
Marx’s Capitaland its manuscripts do not deny the positive role of the capitalist system whenthey expose and criticize the sin and the negative role of capitalist system.

例句 2:
In a capitalist system all productive activities of capitalists is to exploit surplus value and to realize the increase in value.

例句 3:
The root of ecological crisis triggers the debate on pros and cons of the protection of the ecologicalenvironment of market, technology and whether capitalist system is the root of ecological crisis.





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