

字词 资本主义




He Yiting. The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China—On General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream” [M]. London: New Classic Press, 2015: 11-12.


资本主义是资本属于个人所有的经济制度。这种以资本为主体的制度是尊重资本和财产为个人所有,任何人都不得非法侵占,这就是私有制的含义,私有制是资本主义最重要最主要的内容,没有私有制就不能叫资本主义。 资本主义是要求不同资本对不同资源发挥的各自作用和价值来推动社会发展。资本主义有以下特征:在经济上,以私营经济为主,没有政府干预或者政府干预很少;政治上,资产阶级政党掌权,或实行资本主义的民主政治制度;生产力高度发展,社会富裕,鼓励自由的 市场经济,政府对经济的干预尽量少;商品生产发展到很高的阶段,成为社会生产普遍的和统治的形式,劳动力变成了商品。资本家占有生产资料,用雇佣劳动的方式剥削工人阶级,生产的目的是创造利润(用马克思的表达式:生产的目的是攫取工人创造的 剩余价值)。资本主义以使用机器的大生产为特征,生产社会化同资本主义的私人占有之间的矛盾构成资本主义社会的基本矛盾,这一基本矛盾贯穿于资本主义发展的始终,它在经济上具体表现为个别企业生产有组织和整个社会生产的无政府状态的矛盾,在政治上表现为资产阶级和无产阶级的矛盾。资本主义的发展经历两大阶段——自由竞争的资本主义和 垄断资本主义。与资本主义生产关系的统治形式相适应,资本主义以前的各种上层建筑被资产阶级的上层建筑所代替,产生了资产阶级的国家政权、法律制度和思想体系,形成包括资本主义生产方式和与它相适应的上层建筑的社会制度。根据马克思所说,资本主义是以资本家占有生产资料和剥削雇佣劳动为基础的社会制度。资产阶级与无产阶级对立是由于资本家制定的制度主要是维护资本家自身的利益;而社会主义是由无产阶级统治,无产阶级制定的制度也主要是代表着无产阶级的利益;资产阶级的利益与无产阶级的利益显然是存在对立的,但资本主义与社会主义并非对立的。(资本主义.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v26563.htm?fromTitle=%E8%B5%84%E6%9C%AC%E4%B8%BB%E4%B9%89)




1. 近年来,国内外有些舆论提出了中国现在搞的究竟还是不是社会主义的疑问,有人说是“资本社会主义”,还有人干脆说是“国家资本主义”“新官僚资本主义”。我们说中国特色社会主义是社会主义而不是其他什么主义,最根本的就在于中国特色社会主义成功实现了马克思主义与中国实际相结合。这些都是完全错误的。它既坚持了科学社会主义基本原则,又根据我国实际和时代特征赋予其鲜明的中国特色;既破除了对马克思主义的教条式理解,又抵制了偏离和抛弃社会主义基本制度的错误主张。科学社会主义强调,社会主义必须以历史唯物主义为理论基石,必须以实现共产主义为最高理想,必须以无产阶级政党为领导核心,必须以解放和发展生产力为根本任务,必须坚持代表最广大人民的根本利益,必须以公有制和按劳分配为社会经济制度的基础,必须以人民当家作主为民主政治的本质特征,必须坚持改革和完善社会主义制度和体制机制,等等。中国特色社会主义实践和理 论,集中体现了这些科学社会主义基本原则,没有丢掉老祖宗。——《学习习近平总书记重要讲话》,2015:22

1. In recent years, there arose some remarks questioning the authenticity of socialism in China. Some people regard it as “capitalism,” or “state capitalism,” or even the “new bureaucracy.” They are all wrong. Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is authentic socialism and nothing else. The fundamental lies in the fact that Socialism with Chinese Characteristics successfully combines Marxism and the current Chinese situation. It sticks to the basic principles of scientific socialism and is featured with Chinese characteristics; it eliminates the dogma of Marxism and boycotts the incorrect statements, which have diverged from or even abandoned the basic principles of socialism. Scientific socialism insists: socialism is based on historical materialism; with the highest ideal of realizing communism; the proletarian party is its leadership core; its fundamental task is to emancipate and develop the productive forces; it has to represent people’s basic interests; the socialist public ownership and distribution is the basis of social economic system; the essence and core of socialist democracy are that people are masters of the country; it has to insist on reforming socialism. The principles and practice of socialism lie at the heart of the basic principles of scientific socialism. It assimilates Marxism well. -Quoted from The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China-On General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream”, 2015: 11-12.

2. 为什么要有革命党?因为世界上有压迫人民的敌人存在,人民要推翻敌人的压迫,所以要有革命党。就资本主义和帝国主义时代说来,就需要一个如共产党这样的革命党。如果没有共产党这样的革命党,人民要想推翻敌人的压迫,简直是不可能的。我们是共产党,我们要领导人民打倒敌人,我们的队伍就要整齐,我们的步调就要一致,兵要精,武器要好。如果不具备这些条件,那末,敌人就不会被我们打倒。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:811

2. Why must there be a revolutionary party? There must be a revolutionary party because the world contains enemies who oppress the people and the people want to throw off enemy oppression. In the era of capitalism and imperialism, just such a revolutionary party as the Communist Party is needed. Without such a party it is simply impossible for the people to throw off enemy oppression. We are Communists, we want to lead the people in overthrowing the enemy, and so we must keep our ranks in good order, we must march in step, our troops must be picked troops and our weapons good weapons. Without these conditions the enemy cannot be overthrown. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 35.

3. 资本主义生产使劳动社会化,决不在于人们在一个场所内做工(这只是过程的一小部分),而在于随着资本集中而来的是社会劳动的专业化,每个工业部门的资本家人数的减少,单独的工业部门数目的增多;就是说,在于许多分散的生产过程融合成一个社会生产过程。例如,在手工纺织时代,小生产者自己纺纱并用它来织布,工业部门并不多(纺纱业和织布业合在一起)。一旦资本主义使生产社会化,单独的工业部门的数目就增加起来,纺纱业单独纺纱,织布业单独织布;这种生产单独化和生产集中使机器制造业、煤炭采掘业等等新部门相继出现。——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:42

3. The socialisation of labour by capitalist production does not at all consist in people working under one roof (that is only a small part of the process), but in the concentration of capital being accompanied by the specialisation of social labour, by a decrease in the number of capitalists in each given branch of industry and an increase in the number of separate branches of industry--in many separate production processes being merged into one social production process. When, in the days of handicraft weaving, for example, the small producers themselves spun the yarn and made it into cloth, we had a few branches of industry (spinning and weaving were merged). But when production becomes socialised by capitalism, the number of separate branches of industry increases: cotton spinning is done separately and so is weaving; this very division and the concentration of production give rise to new branches--machine building, coal mining, and so forth. In each branch of industry, which has now become more specialised, the number of capitalists steadily decreases. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 175-176.


例句 1:
In citing Marx’s theory on capitalism to study the globalization issue, peopletend to stay on the phenomenological descriptions of“world history”or “worldmarket”, and fail to realize the implications of globalization for capitalism from theview of the realization way of surplus value.

例句 2:
The American financial crisis is essentially a structural risk inherent in international financialmonopoly capitalism.

例句 3:
In Robert L.Heilbroner’s opinion, the true greatness of Marx’s The Capital is that it answers the fundamental question, what is capitalism?





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