

字词 货币理论


the theory of money


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1986: 64.


新古典经济学家把货币理论和经济理论分为两个互不相关的部分的作法。根据新古典经济学家的观点,货币的作用在于作为商品交换的媒介,从而不会对实际经济活动产生任何影响。由此出发,经济可以划分为两个相互独立的部分:实物部分与货币部分。实物部分是经济理论研究的范围,要说明商品的供求与商品相对价格关系,以及均衡产量和均衡价格的决定。具体来说,产量取决于就业量和技术状况。就业量取决于实际工资,实际工资又取决于劳动的供求关系。货币部分是货币理论研究的范围,要研究货币数量与绝对价格的关系,以及绝对价格水平的决定问题。具体来说,绝对价格水平取决于货币量,与货币量同比例变动。经济理论可以用瓦尔拉斯的一般均衡理论体系来表示:货币理论则是货币数量论。经济理论与货币理论都是独立的,两者之间没有什么联系。凯恩斯否认了这种二分法,提出“只要我们论及何者决定社会整体的产量与就业问题,我们就需要有一个关于货币经济的完整理论。” 凯恩斯通过流动偏好理论打破了二分法,把货币理论与经济理论融为一体,说明了货币供求的变动如何影响利率,以及利率如何影响总需求与国民收入。这样,利率就成为联接货币理论与经济理论的纽带,货币理论不仅包括价格的决定,而且还包括利率的决定,经济理论所涉及的产量的决定,不但取决于就业量,而且还取决于利率(刘伟等,1994:116)。
 货币理论包括各流派的货币需求理论、货币供给理论,以及对货币需求与供给的经验分析研究(刘伟,1994:282)。凯恩斯的货币理论中分析了人们货币需求的动机。凯恩斯认为,人们之所以 需要货币是出于三种动机:满足日常交易所需的交易动机,满足应付临时意外支出的预防动机,以及作为财产一种形式从事获得的金融投机活动的投机动机。交易动机和预防动机的货币需求取决于国民收入,与国民收入同方向变动,投机动机的货币需求取决于利率,与利率反方向变动(刘伟等,1994:391)。




1. 这一理论批判的始作俑者正是我们已然熟悉的那些李嘉图式的英国社会主义者,如格雷、勃雷、汤普逊、霍吉斯金等人,尤其前两人系所谓劳动货币理论的创始人,至于蒲鲁东及其追随者,不过是受格雷等人的影响罢了。—— 《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:552

1. The progenitors of this theoretical critique were the Ricardian English socialists, such as Gray, Bray, Thompson, and Hodgskin. These scholars, and especially the first two, were the founders of the theory of labor money; as for Proudhon and his followers, they simply acted under the influence of Gray and others. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 436.

2. 在这里,把争论的问题说得多么平淡。既然银行发行货币凭证(银行券)和要用金(或银)偿还的资本债券(存款),那么,不言而喻,银行对金属储备的减少只能在一定程度内听之任之,不予理会。上述论调同金属货币理论毫无关系。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷上)》,1979:67

2. Shallowness with which the controversy is here presented. When the Bank issues drafts on money (notes), and promissory notes on capital which are repayable in gold or silver (deposits), it is, self-evidently, only up a point that it can look on and tolerate the diminution of its bullion reserves without taking steps against it. This has nothing to do with the theory of metallic money. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 64.

3. 达里蒙用巧妙的裁剪手法避开了这些与他的危机理论相违背的事实。他紧紧地抓住李嘉图[关于纸币的优越性]的格言,虽然这与探讨的问题和李嘉图研究银行券贬值的小册子中的问题毫无关系。他忽略了李嘉图的货币理论及其错误的前提已经完全被推翻了。这种理论的错误前提是认为银行控制流通的银行券的数量,流通手段的数量决定价格,而实际情况正好相反,是价格决定流通手段的数量等等。在李嘉图时代,对货币流通现象还没有作任何详细的研究。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷上)》,1979:67-68

3. Like a nimble tailor Darimon skips over these facts which refute his theory of crises. He clings to Ricardo’s aphorism, which had nothing to do either with the question at issue or with the subject matter of the pamphlet--the depreciation of banknotes. He ignores the fact that Ricardo’s theory of money has been totally refuted, as have been its false assumptions that the Bank controls the amount of notes in circulation, that the amount of means of circulation determines prices, whereas on the contrary prices determine the amount of means of circulation, etc. In Ricardo’s time no detailed investigations into the phenomena of money circulation were yet available. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 64.


例句 1 :
马克思货币理论在马克思主义政治经济学体系中占有重要地位,它是科学劳动价值论的重要组成部分,是剩余价值理论的重要理论基础。研究马克思货币理论,对于坚持马克思主义的指导思想,自觉抵制西方资产阶级经济学说的消极影响,有效应对国际金融危机对我国经济发展的冲击,加强和改善国家宏观调控,发展电子货币、虚拟货币等新生货币形式,促进国民经济又好又快发展,具有十分重要的现实意义。——“马克思货币理论及其当代价值”,南华大学硕士学位论文, 2012
Occupying  an  important  position  in  Marxist  political  economics  system, Marx’s
Monetary Theory is not only a vital part of the scientific theory of labor value but also the important theoretical  basis  of  the  theory  of  surplus  value. Studying  Marx's  Monetary Theory has very important real sense for adhering to the guiding ideology of the Marx’s doctrine, consciously  resisting  the  negative  effects  of  the  western  bourgeois  economics, effectively  responding  to  the  international  financial  crisis  on  China's  economic development  impact, strengthening  and  improving  macro-control, the  development  of electronic currency, virtual currency and other new forms of money and promoting sound and rapid development of national economy.

例句 2 :
The Chinese overseas students, during the period of the Republic of China, actively





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