

字词 范式






范式(Paradigm)又译做“范型”、“模式”等,是美国科学哲学家托马斯·库恩在批判归纳主义与证伪主义观点的基础上提出的新的科学发展模式中的核心概念。库恩在其《科学革命的结构》一书中首次将这个概念引入科学哲学。“范式”一词是从语言学中借用的概念,语言学中的范式指动词变位、名词变格等所遵循的变化规则。库恩在《科学革命的结构》一书中,“范式”有二十多种不同的意义,大致可分为三类:其一,形而上学范式,也叫元范式;其二,社会范式,如政治制度、法律规范;其三,有形的范式,如工具仪器等。库恩认为,范式有两个特点,一是能吸引一批以它来指导科学研究的拥护者,二是能提出一些可以解答的疑难问题,只有同时具备这两个条件才构成范式。(范式.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900007521441&d=BBBE51607182487395FF7F059E5AD37A)库恩借用来表示范例、模式、模型等,文义又扩大到表示包括范例等在内的重大科学成就,以至于表示某一科学共同体成员共有的一整套规定之类。现指科学共同体的共有信念,这种共有信念建立在某种公认的并成为传统的重大科学成就(如哥白尼的日心说、爱因斯坦的相对论等)的基础上,为共同体成员提供一种把握研究对象的概念框架,一套理论和方法论信条,一个可供仿效的解题范例,它规定了一定时期中这门科学的发展方向和研究途径,同时也决定着共同体成员的某种形而上学信念和价值标准,即他们的自然观、世界观及价值观。(金炳华,2003:391)库恩运用范式概念把科学发展划分为三个时期:在前范式时期,各种理论观点百家争鸣,但没有一种在科学共同体中得到公认;在常规科学时期,范式已经形成并得到科学共同体的公认,科学共同体在这种范式的指导下进行常规研究,解决范式提出的疑难问题;在科学革命时期,范式面临反常现象的挑战而陷入危机,危机促使某些科学家试图突破传统的范式,创造性地提出新的范式,科学共同体也出现分化和新的组合。库恩认为,整个科学发展过程,就是常规科学和科学革命交替发展的过程(范式.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900007521441&d=BBBE51607182487395FF7F059E5AD37A)。




1. 尤其令我震惊的是,社会科学家关于正当的科学问题与方法的本质,在看法上具有明显的差异。我的历史知识和学识使我怀疑,自然科学家们是否比他们的社会科学同事们对这些问题的解答更坚实或更持久。然而,不知怎的,天文学、物理学、化学或生物学的实践者对其中的基本问题通常并没有展开争论,而今日在比方说心理学家或社会学家中间对这些基本问题的争论则似乎已习以为常了。力图找出这种差异的来源,使我认识到此后我称之为“范式”(Paradigm)的东西在科学研究中所起的作用。——《科学革命的结构》,2003:4

1. Particularly, I was struck by the number and extent of the overt disagreements between social scientists about the nature of legitimate scientific problems and methods. Both history and acquaintance made me doubt that practitioners of the natural sciences possess firmer or more permanent answers to such questions than their colleagues in social science. Yet, somehow, the practice of astronomy, physics, chemistry, or biology normally fails to evoke the controversies over fundamentals at today often seem endemic among, say, psychologists or sociologists. Attempting to discover the source of that difference led me to recognize the role in scientific research of what I have since called “paradigms.” -Quoted from The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1970: viii.

2. 一个团体接受了一个单一的范式之后,这种范式所容许的更专业化、更深奥的研究其本质是什么呢?如果范式代表了最终所做的工作,那么,还有什么进一步的问题留待这个已统一的团体去解决呢?如果我们现在注意到已使用的术语可能误导读者,那么,这些问题似乎将更为迫切。按照其已确定的用法,一个范式就是一个公认的模型或模式(Pattern),在这一意义上,在我找不出更好的词汇的情况下,使用“Paradigm”(范式)一词似颇合适。—— 《科学革命的结构》,2003:21

2. What then is the nature of the more professional and esoteric research that a group’s reception of a single paradigm permits? If the paradigm represents work that has been done once and for all, what further problems does it leave the united group to resolve? Those questions will seem even more urgent if we now note one respect in which the terms used so far may be misleading. In its established usage, a paradigm is an accepted model or pattern, and that aspect of its meaning has enabled me, lacking a better word, to appropriate ‘paradigm’ here. -Quoted from The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1970: 23.

3. 我们知道,在1843年末至1844年初,青年马克思还处于他不久前的第一次思想变革之中,即从青年黑格尔的自我意识范式向一般唯物主义,从民主主义向一般共产主义的转变。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:154-155

3. It is known that from the end of 1843 to the beginning of 1844, young Marx was still in the process of philosophical transformation that he had begun not long before, that is, the transformation from the self-conscious paradigm of the Young Hegelians to general materialism, from democracy to general communism. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 111.


例句 1:
Nowadays, the frequently used eye movement research paradigm in reading included moving window paradigm, moving mask paradigm, boundary paradigm, fast priming paradigm, disappearing text paradigm and visual - world paradigm, etc.

例句 2:
At the same time, decision-making the sponsors, execution and supervisors are almost not accepted the systemic training of landscape architecture. All these bring many questions, such as questions on architecture standards, architecture goal and borders, architecture project and decision-making , reasonable distribution of fund use and so on.

例句 3:
当代著名科学哲学家托马斯·库恩(Thomas Kuhn)的范式理论在20世纪风靡全球,对历史学、社会学、心理学等许多领域产生了诸多影响,对科学观的影响尤甚。——《库恩“范式”与SSK科学观》,广西师范大学硕士学位论文,2007
Thomas Kuhn, as a renowned scientific philosopher, his paradigm theory had many influences in many domains, such as, to the history study, the history study, the sociology, the psychology, and so on.





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