

字词 英国古典政治经济学


classical English political economy


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 50.






1. 马克思主义是马克思的观点和学说的体系。马克思是19世纪人类三个最先进国家中的三种主要思潮——德国古典哲学、英国古典政治经济学以及同法国所有革命学说相联系的法国社会主义——的继承者和天才的完成者。——《列宁全集(第二十六卷)》,1990:52

1. Marxism is the system of Marx’s views and teachings. Marx was the genius who continued and consummated the three main ideological currents of the nineteenth century, as represented by the three most advanced countries of mankind: classical German philosophy, classical English political economy, and French socialism combined with French revolutionary doctrines in general. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21), 1974: 50.

2. 英国古典政治经济学是属于阶级斗争不发展的时期的。它的最后的伟大的代表李嘉图,终于有意识地把阶级利益的对立、工资和利润的对立、利润和地租的对立当作他的研究的出发点,因为他天真地把这种对立看作社会的自然规律。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972: 16

2. Its political economy belongs to the period in which the class struggle was as yet undeveloped. Its last great representative, Ricardo, in the end, consciously makes the antagonism of class interests, of wages and profits, of profits and rent, the startingpoint of his investigations, naively taking this antagonism for a social law of Nature. -Quoted from: Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 14.


例句 1:
From the world perspective, the Christian culture integrated Judaism culture and Ancient Greece culture. The bourgeois culture created in Enlightenment and Renaissance merged the philosophy of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Marxism combined with German classical philosophy, British classical political economy and French Utopian socialism.

例句 2:
The form of the productive forces and relations from the dialectical movement triggered by the great social changes triggered by the individual in real life and social life rather than actually taking place of ideas, consciously or unconsciously, conflict and fission, the British classical political economy, France Restoration era history, the British and French utopian socialism, as well as a critical rationalist tradition of Western theories of resources, social and political practice and theory of Marx and Engels in-depth critical activities, such as making cultura





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