

字词 群众监督


masses’ oversight; oversight by the public


[1]Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014.
[2]Report on the Work of the Government, 2009: 39. via: http://book.theorychina.org/upload/e7e40ab6-68a2-4cf1-b355-2345f1e76874/






1. 我们要适应新形势下群众工作新特点新要求,深入做好组织群众、宣传群众、教育群众、服务群众工作,虚心向群众学习,诚心接受群众监督,始终植根人民、造福人民,始终保持党同人民群众的血肉联系,始终与人民心连心、同呼吸、共命运。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:16

1. We must bear in mind the new characteristics and requirements for public work in the new circumstances. We must organize our people, communicate with them, educate them, serve them, learn from them, and subject ourselves to their oversight. We should always be part of the people, work for their interests, and maintain close ties and share good and bad times with them. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 17.

2. 甚至著名的工农检察院(Rabkrin)这个原本行政机关实行群众监督的组织,也(“异化”)成了另一个“机关”,沾染上了它自身本应与之争斗的一切缺陷。在终其一生事业的最后几个月里,列宁对这一问题的评判近乎绝望。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:108

2. Even the famous Rabkrin, designed to be a popular watchdog over the administration, became yet another body with all the deficiencies which it was supposed to combat. Lenin’s remarks on the subject during the last months of his active life are akin to despair. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 110.

3. 各级政府都要自觉接受人大监督和政协民主监督,强化监察、审计等专门监督,高度重视人民群众监督和新闻舆论监督,做到行政权力运行到哪里,监督就落实到哪里,财政资金运用到哪里,审计就跟进到哪里。——《2009年政府工作报告》,2009

3. Governments at all levels must conscientiously subject themselves to the oversight by the people’s congresses and the democratic oversight by the CPPCC committees at their corresponding levels. We will tighten professional oversight by supervision and auditing departments, and attach great importance to oversight by the public and the news media. We will strive to make sure that oversight takes place wherever administrative power is exercised and that government funds will be audited wherever they are used. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2009: 39.


例句 1:
Strengthening the theoretical research of supervision by the masses, strengthen the supervision of the masses to the civil service, to prevent civil servants abuse their power, contain and oppose corruption, and maintain with the people in close contact ,complete the party's mission, is of great significance .

例句 2:
The system of the masses supervision is one of the important means of the anti-corruption.

例句 3:
The present supervision system in our country, mainly including: Party supervision, NPC supervision, the administrative supervision of the government itself and the  masse supervision, etc.





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