字词 | 商品流通 |
释义 | 商品流通【英】circulation of commodities; commodity circulation; flow of goods译文来源[1]Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1996: 86. 定义商品流通,也称“商品流转”、“商品交换”,是指以货币为媒介的商品交换。社会分工是商品交换的重要前提,“社会分工的发展产生了两个效果:第一是提高了劳动生产率,增进了每个部门、每个行业的规模经济和规模效益;第二是加深了不同部门、不同行业之间的相互依赖”(冯明明等,2008:2),没有社会分工就难以实现商品交换,与此同时,商品交换也促进了社会分工的不断深化。“用公式表示为:W—G—W(商品—货币—商品)”(许征帆,1987:1173)。商品流通其实就是商品形态变化的过程,分解开来,由两个阶段形成。一个是商品形态变化的第一阶段:卖的阶段,也就是W—G(商品—货币),即商品换成货币;一个是商品形态变化的第二阶段:买的阶段,也就是G—W(货币—商品),即货币换成商品。在W—G—W(商品—货币—商品)的流通过程中,W—G(商品—货币)阶段的变化既重要又困难,“是商品的惊险的跳跃”。这个“跳跃”如果不成功,摔坏的不是商品,而是商品所有者。所以,对商品生产者来说,只有把商品卖出去,并且卖好价钱,才能生存和发展。如果商品卖不出去,就意味着他白白付出了劳动,他所需要的商品也买不回来,商品生产者就要遭受损失甚至破产。“至于G—W,由于货币是一般等价物,各种商品都愿同它交换,比较容易实现”(许征帆,1987:1173)。商品流通不是单个的孤立行为、不是个别的商品交换,每个商品流通的商品—货币,就是别的商品流通的货币—商品,同样每个商品流通的货币—商品,就是别的商品流通的商品—货币,这样商品流通就是无数次商品交换行为的总和,各个商品流通互相交错和互为前提。 定义来源[1]冯明明等.商品流通实用教程[M].南开大学出版社,2008. 例句1. 对人类生活形式的思索,从而对它的科学分析,总是采取同实际发展相反的道路。这种思索是从事后开始的,就是说,是从发展过程的完成的结果开始的。给劳动产品打上商品烙印、因而成为商品流通的前提的那些形式,在人们试图了解它们的内容而不是了解它们的历史性质(人们已经把这些形式看成是不变的了)以前,就已经取得了社会生活的自然形式的固定性。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:92 1. Man's reflections on the forms of social life, and consequently, also, his scientific analysis of those forms, take a course directly opposite to that of their actual historical development. He begins, post festum with the results of the process of development ready to hand before him. The characters that stamp products as commodities, and whose establishment is a necessary preliminary to the circulation of commodities, have already acquired the stability of natural, self-understood forms of social life, before man seeks to decipher, not their historical character, for in his eyes they are immutable, but their meaning. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 86. 2. 格沃兹杰夫先生这本书,归纳了我国经济学著作中关于富农经济的高利贷这个令人感兴趣的问题的资料。作者列举了许多事实,说明改革以前时期的商品流通和商品生产的发展产生了商业资本和高利贷资本。——《列宁全集(第四卷)》,1984:51 2. Mr. Gvozdev’s book sums up data gathered by our economic literature on the interesting question of kulak usurers. The author mentions a number of indications of the development of commodity circulation and production in the pre-Reform period that brought about the emergence of trading and usurer’s capital. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1977: 67. 3. 国家的政权仍然被掌握在容克地主手中,38个邦之间甚至邦内的省区之间都有各自的关税壁垒和地方税率,这严重地阻碍了商品流通和市场的形成,说到底,这对德国新兴的资产阶级社会的发展构成了较大的不利因素。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:293-294 3. The rule of the country was still controlled by the Junker landowning class, and between the 38 principalities—sometimes even between different counties within the principalities—there were high tariff barriers and local taxes. This seriously hindered the flow of goods and the development of a market. In short, these conditions were extremely unfavorable for the development of Germany’s new bourgeois society. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 223. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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