

字词 经验自然科学


empirical natural science


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 139.


经验自然科学(empirical natural science)指用经验方法获取科学事实而达到感性经验认识的科学。恩格斯称它为“主要是搜集材料的科学,关于既成事物的科学”。主要指从十五世纪下半叶到十八世纪末的自然科学。这个时期,自然科学通过观察和实验等经验方法获得了大量的实证知识材料。经验方法是自然科学所不可缺少的科学方法。它能使人们得到丰富的感性知识。但这种方法有很大的局限性,它只能认识事物的局部、现象和外部联系,并受着生产水平、技术手段和实验条件的限制。经验自然科学必须上升为理论自然科学,为此,“除了以这种或那种形式从形而上学的思维复归到辩证的思维,在这里没有其他任何出路”(李庆臻,1986:478)。总结起来,它是“理论科学”的对称。指偏重于经验事实的描述和明确具体的实用性的科学,一般较少抽象的理论概括性。在研究方法上,以归纳法为主,带有较多盲目性的观测和实验。一般科学的早期阶段属经验科学,化学尤甚。在恩格斯《自然辩证法》中,专指十八世纪以前搜集材料阶段的科学(《经验自然科学》,via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=gf30e76c625Q71uJ6c4S-Y5BjgmtJIE74Mo-jwehfAkkROtS89vvBG069xB1099-)。


[1] 李庆臻.简明自然辩证法词典[Z].山东人民出版社,1986.
[2] 经验自然科学.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=gf30e76c625Q71uJ6c4S-Y5BjgmtJIE74Mo-jwehfAkkROtS89vvBG069xB1099-


1. 斯多葛派的这种见灵术的产生,一方面是由于在缺乏经验自然科学所提供的材料的情况下不可能贯彻运动的自然观,另一方面是由于他们力求思辨地解释古希腊世界和宗教,并把它们比作能思维的精神。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:144

1. This spirit-seeing of the Stoics arises, on the one hand, from the impossibility of achieving a dynamic concept of nature without the material furnished by empirical natural science, and, on the other hand, from their effort to interpret the ancient Greek world and even religion in a speculative manner and make them analogous to the thinking spirit. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 139.

2. 可是,如果自然科学不忘记,那些把它的经验概括起来的结论是一些概念,而运用这些概念的艺术不是天生的,也不是和普通的日常意识一起得来的,而是要求有真实的思维(它也有长期的经验的历史,其时期之长短和经验自然科学的历史正好是一样的),—— 如果自然科学不忘记这些,那末,它就会使自己比较容易地经历这个过程。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:17

2. However it will make this process easier for itself if it does not lose sight of the fact that the results in which its experiences are summarised are concepts, that the art of working with concepts is not inborn and also is not given with ordinary everyday consciousness, but requires real thought, and that this thought similarly has a long empirical history, not more and not less than empirical natural science. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1985: 14.

3. 经验自然科学积累了如此庞大数量的实证的知识材料,以致在每一个研究领域中有系统地和依据材料的内在联系把这些材料加以整理的必要,就简直成为无可避免的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:382

3. Empirical natural science has accumulated such a tremendous mass of positive material for knowledge that the necessity of classifying it in each separate field of investigation systematically and in accordance with its inner inter-connection has become absolutely imperative. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1985: 338.


例句 1:
The establishment of transcendental logic or transcendental phenomenology, has excluded all the illegal settings in the past philosophical system, and been absolute reasonable, while for the approach of experience-natural science, Husserl criticized such practices as abstracting the unlimited adversity of man and nature as singleness, restore the indefinite open abundant domain of truth based on life world.

例句 2:
Both Kant and Husserl limited the range and limit of human being’s experience by subjective intellectual form of human being’s cognition and experiential material given to intuition, and point out the possible limit of experiential science, and founded theoretical foundations for it. But as various form of transcendental idealism, they are both involved in severe contradiction and conflict with the basis beliefs of common sense and experiential science, therefore, transcendental philosophy needs to





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