

字词 纯粹民主


pure democracy


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 20) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1985: 69.




[1] 王邦佐.政治学辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2009.
[2] 向洪.四项基本原则大辞典[Z].电子科技大学出版社,1992.
[3] 列宁.列宁全集(第三十五卷)[M].人民出版社,1985.
[4] 廖盖隆.马克思主义百科要览·上卷[Z].人民日报出版社,1993.


1. 党最关心的是如何去实现1848 年未能赢得的纯粹民主的理想。所以,从许多方面讲,伯恩施坦和考茨基都处于同一个世界。不论他们在无产阶级孤立的问题上有多大的分歧,他们都完全投身于议会策略中。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2004:33

1. The party was concerned primarily to implement the purely democratic ideas that had failed to gain acceptance in 1848. In many ways, therefore, Bernstein and Kautsky were part of the same world: however much they might differ on the question of proletarian isolation, they were both fully committed to parliamentary tactics. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 38.

2. 小资产阶级由于拥有少量资本,按其生活条件来说接近于资产阶级,但是按其存在的不稳定性来说,则接近于无产阶级的地位。它的政治态度也像它的社会存在一样充满矛盾;一般说来它的最准确的用语是“纯粹民主”。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十六卷)》,1964:76

2. With its slender capital it shares the status of the bourgeoisie, but by the insecurity of its livelihood it shares that of the proletariat. Its political position is as contradictory as its social being; in general however "pure democracy" is its most proper expression. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 20), 1985: 69.

3. 在法兰克福左派方面,非常值得称赞的是:他们(除了少数例外)因卢格先生关于波兰问题的演说而欣喜若狂,这篇演说中说:“诸位先生,我们不想争论我们究竟要什么,要民主的君主政体,要民主化的君主政体(!)还是要纯粹民主制的问题,一一我们的要求一般说来是相同的,就是要求自由,人民的自由,人民的政权!——《马克思恩格斯全集(第五卷)》,1958:425

3. It certainly speaks in favour of the Left in Frankfurt that, apart from a few exceptions, the deputies of the Left were perfectly delighted with Citizen Ruge's speech on Poland, a speech which contained the following passage: "Whether we have in mind democratic monarchy, democratised monarchy (!) or pure democracy, let us not quarrel about this; on the whole we want the same thing—freedom, national freedom, and rule of the people!" -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 376.


例句 1:
In modern countries ruled by law, there exists no pure democracy, nor professional reason without the restrictions imposed by democracy. To implement the statutory taxation principle in China, it needs to go forward step by step in the balance between democracy and profession in the objective stage of both the economic development and tax reform.

例句 2:
Democracy is not abstract or pure, but specific and historical. There is no democracy, freedom, equality, and human rights sharing by all human beings at all.

例句 3:
The mixed constitution deserves to he revived as a corrective to the prevailing view that Western states are pure democracies and that democracy is rule by the people.





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