

字词 等级




Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975:33,66,68.


等级是奴隶社会和封建社会以阶级为前提,按人们的经济地位和政治法律地位的不同而划分的社会集团。等级的划分是以阶级分化为基础的,是阶级差别的一种特殊表现形式。社会中不同等级成员的不同权利、义务及加入或排除于某等级的条件,都是由国家法定的。等级身份一般是世袭的;个别成员的身份有时因战功、贡纳或罪罚等而升降。在不同国家的不同历史时期,等级划分方式各有不同,或者取决于政治地位,或者取决于宗教神职,或者取决于职业差别、民族差别、血统关系、门第门阀等(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=DiNlhNlFquDveDbpex35iPKsrDYox9m0tZWxXwiU1KmrhzucOJnHi14zvIMhpAWHJmqTAcIt82DJhUwU-pctxK)。在奴隶社会中,有贵族、骑士、平民和奴隶等级。封建社会的等级相对复杂。在欧洲,有公爵、伯爵、大主教、主教、修道院张等高等级阶层,也有子爵、男爵、骑士等,剩下的就是最低等级的农奴(金炳华,2003:329)。在中国,在“名分”的原则上建立起区分贵贱尊卑的严格等级制度。周代天子以下有诸侯、卿、大夫、士等统治等级和庶人、工、商、皂、隶、牧、圉等被统治等级。其后历代制度各有不同。到了清代,除最高统治者皇帝外,还有拥有不同特权的宗室贵族、缙绅、绅衿等级,以区别于凡人等级和被奴役、被歧视的雇工人、贱民等级。法律明确规定了他们的不同法律地位。


[1] via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=DiNlhNlFquDveDbpex35iPKsrDYox9m0tZWxXwiU1KmrhzucOJnHi14zvIMhpAWHJmqTAcIt82DJhUwU-pctxK
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 第三种形式是封建的或等级的所有制。古代的起点是城市及其狭小的领地。而中世纪的起点则是乡村。地广人稀,居住分散,而征服者的入侵也没有使人口大量增加,——这种情况决定了起点作这样的转移。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956:27

1. The third form is feudal or estate property. If antiquity started out from the town and its small territory, the Middle Ages started out from the country. This different starting-point was determined by the sparseness of the population at that time, which was scattered over a large area and which received no large increases from the conquerors. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 33.

2. 这种资本和现代资本不同,它不是以货币来计算的(用货币来计算,资本体现为哪一种物品都是一样),而是与所有者的完全固定的劳动直接联系在一起的、完全不可分割的,因此它是一种等级的资本。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956: 59

2. Unlike modern capital, which can be assessed in money and which may be indifferently invested in this thing or that, this capital was directly connected with the particular work of the owner, inseparable from it and to this extent estate capital. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 66.

3. 随着摆脱了行会束缚的工场手工业的出现,所有制关系也立即发生了变化。离开自然形成的等级资本向前走的第一步是受商人的出现所制约的,商人的资本一开始就是活动的,是现代意义上的资本,如果针对当时的各种关系来讲,可以这样说。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956:63

3. With guild-free manufacture, property relations also quickly changed. The first advance beyond naturally derived estate capital was provided by the rise of merchants, whose capital was from the beginning movable, capital in the modern sense as far as one can speak of it, given the circumstances of those times. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 68.


例句 1:
Confucian hierarchy thought significantly influences both organizational culture and structure in Chinese enterprises. However, organizational hierarchy research has not been well summarized for application to Chinese organizations.

例句 2:
Hierarchical meaning is one of the most important subjects in pragmatics. There are many controversies about the processing mechanism of hierarchical meaning in different theories.

例句 3:
Ancient China was a social structure of family - state unity, and the patriarchal caste system was in line with the political rank system of the state.





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