

字词 第一国际


International Workingmen’s Association; the First International


[1] International Workingmen’s Association. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Workingmen%27s_Association
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 4.


第一国际,即国际工人联合会(International Workingmen’s Association),是1864年建立的国际工人联合组织。马克思是第一国际的创始人之一,也是其实际上的领袖。由于会名太长,人们取它的第一个单词“International(国际)”,第二国际成立后,始称“第一国际”。第一国际是在19世纪50年代末、60年代初欧洲工人运动和民主运动重新高涨的形势下产生的。1848年革命后,欧洲资本主义飞速发展,资本主义世界市场形成,资本主义各国的联系越来越具有国际性质。与此同时,全世界劳动人民遭受的压迫日益加剧,无产阶级和被压迫人民的反抗斗争不断加强。反压迫反剥削的斗争实践使各国无产阶级认识到,他们有着共同的利益和共同的敌人,而以往分散的斗争常常使他们遭到同样的失败,无产阶级必须在国际范围内联合起来,用无产阶级的国际团结去对抗资产阶级的国际联合,在这种背景下,第一国际应运而生(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=Deobxup7Cwo54vcDuxHfRHH82rkPXUVJYsYt1wPmyFwPBVUiCAMoBU49pI7BBoxOfzX1e82MIjr4AeYscYzxd_)。第一国际以马克思主义为指导,以推翻资产阶级统治、夺取政杈为伟大使命,积极展开斗争,有力地回应了无产阶级理论自觉与组织化斗争的时代诉求。1871年,第一国际法国支部参加并领导了巴黎公社运动,但是随着巴黎公社的失败,组织也日渐衰弱,1876年正式宣布解散。第一国际是继共产主义者同盟之后,以新的组织形态、理论观点和政治实践登上历史舞台的国际工人联合组织,它改变了资本主义政党政治一统天下的政治局面,为其后的第二国际、共产国际以及被压迫民族国家内社会主义政党政治的兴起与发展,留下了丰厚的思想创造与实践创新的历史遗产(王韶兴,2015:37)。


[1] via:  http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=Deobxup7Cwo54vcDuxHfRHH82rkPXUVJYsYt1wPmyFwPBVUiCAMoBU49pI7BBoxOfzX1e82MIjr4AeYscYzxd_
[2] 王韶兴.第一国际的共产主义活动与社会主义政党政治逻辑[J].中国社会科学,2015(11).


1. 尤为重要的是,从实践的角度去看,马克思用不着去处理领袖、政党、群众这三者之间的关系问题,因为马克思在其中积极从事活动的组织,只有共产主义者同盟和第一国际,前者是一个只有几百个成员的宣传团体,后者是由各种政治派别和工会组织组成的松散联盟。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:3-4

1. More importantly, from the practical point of view, Marx had not had to deal with the problem of the relationship between leadership, party and masses. The only organisations in which Marx was active were the Communist League, which was a propaganda group only severa1 hundred strong, and the First International, which was a loose federation of sects and trade unions. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx An Introduction, 1998: 4.

2. 到1870年,第一国际在美国已有几个支部,统一于以弗里德里希·左尔格(Frederick Sorge)为书记的中央委员会之下。由于始终停留在一些外围活动上,第一国际在1872年把总部迁到纽约后,仅维持了四年。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:332

2. By 1870 the First International had several sections in America united under a Central Committee with Frederick Sorge as corresponding secretary. Always a peripheral movement, the International only survived the transfer of its seat to New York in 1872 by four years. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 345.

3. 他根本就不承认马克思主义的合法性。依他之见,马克思本人从来就没有认同过什么“马克思主义”(“我就不是马克思主义者”)。因为,这个术语最早是第一国际内的巴枯宁分子杜撰出来用以攻击马克思的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:3

3. He in no way recognizes the legitimacy of Marxism. According to him, Marx himself never did approve any form of “Marxism” (once stating, “I am not a Marxist”). This is because the term “Marxism” originated during the First International, when members of the Bakunin faction coined it to attack Marx. -Quoted from Back to Marx:Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxiii.


例句 1:
Their work in The First International revealed their thoughts on the alliance of the Scientific Socialist Movement with other socialist sects and the unity of various socialist sects.

例句 2:
1864年成立的国际工人协会,史称第一国际。——“国际共产主义运动史纲(从19世纪中叶到21世纪初)(连载之四) 第一个政党性的国际工人组织——第一国际光芒四射”,载于《中国延安干部学院学报》2014年第1期
The International Workingmen’s Association established in 1846 is often called in history as the First International. 

例句 3:
The publication of Communist Manifesto in 1848 indicated the formation of political party theory of the proletariat. During the course of reorganizing the Communist Union, participating the funding and leading International Workingmen’s Association (First International), helping different countries in Europe and America to build their own independent Party, directing Second International, political party theory of the proletariat was developed continuously.





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