

字词 社会民主党


social democratic party


[1]Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 265.
[2]Social democratic party. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Democratic_Party




[1]高狄.毛泽东周恩来刘少奇朱德邓小平陈云著作大辞典 下卷[Z].山西经济出版社,1991.


1. 共产党决不赞助任何掠夺战争。共产党对于一切正义的非掠夺的谋解放的战争,则将挺身出而赞助,并站在斗争的最前线。第二国际所属的社会民主党,在张伯伦、达拉第的威迫利诱之下,正在发生分化,一部分上层反动分子正在蹈袭第一次大战时的覆辙,准备赞助新的帝国主义战争。但另一部分,则将和共产党一道建立反战反法西斯的人民阵线。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:582

1. Communists will in no circumstances support any predatory war: They will, however, bravely step forward to support every just and non-predatory war for liberation, and they will stand in the forefront of the struggle. With Chamberlain and Daladier practising intimidation and bribery, the social democratic parties affiliated to the Second International are splitting up. One section, the reactionary upper stratum, is following the same old disastrous road as in the First World War and is ready to support the new imperialist war. But another section will join with the Communists in forming a popular front against war and fascism. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 265.

2. 有些人说:第二次帝国主义世界大战既然爆发了,苏联或者会参加战争的一方,就是说,苏联红军似乎即将参加德国帝国主义的战线。这种意见,我以为是不正确的。现在爆发的战争,无论在英法方面,或德国方面,都是非正义的、掠夺的、帝国主义的战争。世界各国的共产党,世界各国的人民,都应该起来反对这种战争,都应该揭穿战争双方的帝国主义性质,即仅仅有害于世界人民而丝毫也不利于世界人民的这种性质,都应该揭穿社会民主党拥护帝国主义战争背叛无产阶级利益的罪恶的行为。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:595

2. Some people say that now that the second imperialist world war has broken out, the Soviet Union will probably take sides--in other words, the Soviet Red Army seems to be on the point of joining the German imperialist front. I consider this view incorrect. On whichever side, the Anglo--French or the German, the war that has just broken out is an unjust, predatory and imperialist war. The Communist Parties and the people of all countries should rise up against it and expose the imperialist character of both belligerents, for this imperialist war brings only harm and no benefit whatever to the people of the world, and they should expose the criminal acts of the social democratic parties in supporting the imperialist war and betraying the interests of the proletariat. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 277.

3. 第二个事实。在一九一四年至一九一七年帝国主义战争炽烈的时期,所有的或几乎所有的社会民主党和社会党都染上了流行的爱国主义狂热,替本国的帝国主义尽忠效劳。这是第二国际在资本面前放下自己的旗帜,连普列汉诺夫、考茨基和盖得等等一类人物都抵挡不住沙文主义浪潮的时期。当时只有列宁一人,或几乎只有列宁一人掀起了反对社会沙文主义和社会和平主义的坚决斗争,揭露盖得之流和考茨基之流的变节行为,痛斥骑墙派“革命家”的不彻底性。列宁明知跟随他走的只有很少的少数,但是他认为这没有决定的意义,因为他知道,彻底的国际主义政策是唯一正确的有前途的政策,因为他知道,原则性的政策是唯一正确的政策。——《斯大林全集(第六卷)》,1956:44

3. Second fact. It was in the period 1914-17, when the imperialist war was in full swing, and when all, or nearly all, the Social Democratic and Socialist parties had succumbed to the general patriotic frenzy and had placed themselves at the service of the imperialism of their respective countries. It was a period when the Second International had hauled down its colours to capitalism, when even people like Plekhanov, Kautsky, Guesde and the rest were unable to withstand the tide of chauvinism.Lenin at that time was the only one, or almost the only one, to wage a determined struggle against social chauvinism and social pacifism, to denounce the treachery of the Guesdes and Kautskys, and to stigmatise the half-heartedness of the betwixt and between “revolutionaries.” Lenin knew that he was backed by only an insignificant minority, but to him this was not of decisive moment, for he knew that the only correct policy with a future before it was the policy of consistent internationalism, that a policy based on principle is the only correct policy. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 6), 1953: 61.


例句 1:
After cold war, Social Democratic Party of Germany, facing a series social problems including economic globalization, ageing population, ailing prospects for labor market, emerging negative effect of social security, challenge from economic crisis and recession, impact from change of political power and shaking political position of the democratic socialism, which become severely threats to German social security system and Social Democratic Party of Germany, has made an adjustment of its existing social security policy.

例句 2:
During the 60 years after World War II,British Labor Party,French Socialist Party, German Social Democratic Party and Swedish Social Democratic Party, as typical Western Europe Social Democratic Party repeatedly took to the political arena and managed the state affairs.

例句 3:
Germany Social Democratic Party (SPD) is one of the most repres





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