

字词 社会形态


the state of society; the form of society


[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 284.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1986: 95.


社会形态指生产力发展到一定阶段的经济基础和上层建筑的有机统一体。社会形态是马克思主义哲学特有的范畴。马克思将社会关系分为两类:一类是物质基础上的社会关系,即生产关系,它是社会的经济基础;一类是思想基础上及通过思想建立起来的社会关系,即政治关系,它是社会的上层建筑,两者统一所出现的具体存在形式即社会形态,它包括社会经济结构、政治结构和文化结构。社会形态是具体的历史的统一,不同的社会形态具有不同的本质特征。马克思从历史唯物主义的基本观点出发,将社会经济形态的演进划分为三大阶段,“每个个人以物的形式占有社会权力。如果你从物那里夺去了这种社会权力,那么就需要赋予人以支配人的这种权力。人的依赖关系(起初完全是自然发生的),是最初的社会形态,在这种形态下,人的生产能力只是在狭窄的范围内和孤立的地点上发展着。以物的依赖性为基础的人的独立性,是第二大形态,在这种形态下,才形成普遍的社会物质变换,全面的关系,多方面的需求以及全面的能力的体系。建立在个人全面发展和他们共同的社会生产能力成为他们的社会财富这一基础上的自由个性,是第三个阶段。第二个阶段为第三个阶段创造条件”(马克思等, 1979:104)。当前,在经济社会形态范围内,基本存在两种划分方法:一是五种形态的划分法,按照生产关系的不同性质分为原始社会、奴隶社会、封建社会、资本主义社会、共产主义社会(社会主义社会是其第一阶段);一种是三种形态的划分法,按照人的发展状况分为人的依赖性社会、物的依赖性社会和个人全面发展的社会。




1. 汤普逊提出,“真正积累起来的财富量,就它的重要和对于人类幸福的影响来说,和无论处于什么文明情况的同一社会的生产力比较”,都是微不足道的,所以人们应该更加关注生产力和它将来的自由发展。霍吉斯金也历史地看到,“农业劳动者的奴隶状态是与那种土地占有相联系的;从政治上说,整个欧洲的农业劳动者一直处于一种比制造业和商业的劳动者更恶劣的状況”。这是一种很重要的历史态度。用勃雷的话说,“某一种社会形态和某一种政府形式,只能在某一国家的历史中的某一时期内存在,而且能适合当时的需要,但到了后一时期,那就不容再存在了”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:367-368

1. Thompson points out that in its influence on man’s happiness, accumulated wealth is insignificant when compared with the productive force of the same society under any circumstances of civilization. For this reason man must take into greater account productive forces and their free development. Hodgskin historically points out that “With that appropriation [of land], however, was connected the slavery of the agricultural labourer; who has ever been in a worse condition, politically speaking, throughout Europe, than the manufacturing and commercial labourer.” This is an extremely important historical attitude. To use Bray’s words, “that state of society or form of government which existed at one period of a nation’s history, and was sufficient for all its wants, will never be tolerated at a later period.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 284.

2. 每个个人以物的形式占有社会权力。如果你从物那里夺去这种社会权力,那你就必须赋予人以支配人的这种权力。人的依赖关系(起初完全是自然发生的),是最初的社会形态,在这种形态下,人的生产能力只是在狭窄的范围内和孤立的地点上发展着。以物的依赖性为基础的人的独立性,是第二大形态,在这种形态下,才形成普遍的社会物质变换,全而的关系,多方而的需求以及全面的能力的体系。建立在个人全面发展和他们共同的社会生产能力成为他们的社会财富这一基础上的自由个性,是第三个阶段。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷上)》,1979:104

2. Every individual possesses social power in the form of a thing. Take away this social power from the thing, and you must give it to persons [to exercise] over persons. Relationships of personal dependence (which originally arise quite spontaneously) are the first forms of society, in which human productivity develops only to a limited extent and at isolated points. Personal independence based upon dependence mediated by things is the second great form, and only in it is a system of general social exchange of matter, a system of universal relations, universal requirements and universal capacities, formed. Free individuality, based on the universal development of the individuals and the subordination of their communal, social productivity, which is their social possession [Vermögen], is the third stage. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 95.

3. 很清楚的,中国现时社会的性质,既然是殖民地、半殖民地、半封建的性质,它就决定了中国革命必须分为两个步骤。第一步,改变这个殖民地、半殖民地、半封建的社会形态,使之变成一个独立的民主主义的社会。第二步,使革命向前发展,建立一个社会主义的社会。中国现时的革命,是在走第一步。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:666

3. Clearly, it follows from the colonial, semi-colonial and semi--feudal character of present-day Chinese society that the Chinese revolution must be divided into two stages. The first step is to change the colonial, semi--colonial and semi--feudal form of society into an independent, democratic society. The second is to carry the revolution forward and build a socialist society. At present the Chinese revolution is taking the first step. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 342.


例句 1:
Marx's social formation theory is the core of historical materialism and the great scientific theories success, which resulted from Marx' proceeding from production of “the reality person” and profound analysis of the horizontal structure and the vertical development of human society by his profound historical insight and scientific method.

例句 2:
The theory of social forms is the important part of the historical materialism which is found by Marx and Engels.

例句 3:
Marx’s social form theory is the core content in historical materialism, as well as the theoretical basis of scientific socialism. The establishment of Marx’s social form theory has specific historical conditions and thought culture origin.





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