

字词 三农问题


issues relating to agriculture; rural areas and farmers


Report on the Work of the Government, 2013. via: http://book.theorychina.org/upload/d961b96e-de97-4642-8baa-e2cc50a8829d/


三农问题,具体指农业、农村和农民三个问题。在我国,“明确提出三农概念和三农问题,并把它们作为特定研究对象和党的农村政策顶层的正式用语,是上个世纪80年代中期以后到21世纪之初的事”(贾俊民等,2013:89)。1993年10月,中共中央总书记江泽民在中央农村工作会议上发表了题为《要始终高度重视农业、农村和农民问题》 的讲话,将“农业、农村和农民问题”作为一个特定的提法正式使用,并且指明农业、农村、农民问题的重要性。“2003年12月,中共中央、国务院通过的《关于促进农民增加收入若干政策的意见》第一次在中央正式文件中公开使用了三农概念和三农问题的提法”(贾俊民等,2013:91)。农村、农民、农业问题是中国历史的和现实的政治、经济、文化形成的基础,不解决三农问题就不能解决中国的问题,因为中国的发展和现代化要靠农业,要看农村。邓小平认为:“中国社会是不是安定,中国经济能不能发展,首先要看农村能不能发展,农民生活是不是好起来。农村人口占我国人口的80%,农村不稳定,整个政治局势就不稳定,农民没有摆脱贫困,就是我们国家没有摆脱贫困”(邓小平,1993:237)。中国现代化需要中国农业现代化,中国现代化更要靠农业现代化来支撑。三农问题要求提高农民收入、改善农村面貌、稳定农业发展。三农问题实际上是一个从事行业、居住地域和主体身份三位一体的问题。三农问题从短期来看是体制性问题,解决三农问题的办法有许多,例如对策保护农民利益,城乡统筹发展,进行结构调整,加强农村基础设施建设,推动城市化等等,但是从长期看又关系到中国资源环境和人力资本问题。总之,三农问题是一个极其复杂的问题。“从根本上说,中国‘三农’问题的实质是中国特定转型过程中的发展问题,即中国特定转型过程中农业、农村、农民的发展问题,即提高农业、农村、农民的现代性的问题。中国‘三农’问题的核心是农民问题,而农民问题的核心则是农民的生存、转型与发展问题,是占中国人口70%、世界人口16%的众多人口的生存、转型与发展问题”(黄祖辉,2009:8)。




1. 必须坚持把解决好“三农”问题作为全部工作的重中之重,这是历史经验的科学总结,既管当前,也管长远,是长期指导思想。——《2013年政府工作报告》,2013

1. We must make solving issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers the number one priority in all our work. This is a scientific conclusion drawn from our historical experience and a long-term guiding principle applicable to both the present and the future. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2013.

2. 要坚持把解决好“三农”问题放在全部工作的重中之重,以保障国家粮食安全和促进农民增收为核心,推进农业现代化。坚守耕地红线,提高耕地质量,增强农业综合生产能力,确保谷物基本自给、口粮绝对安全,把13亿中国人的饭碗牢牢端在自己手中。——《2014年政府工作报告》,2014

2. We must make doing a good job in our work relating to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers the number one priority in all our endeavors and accelerate agricultural modernization in order to ensure China’s food security and increase farmers’ incomes. We will make sure that China's cultivated land area does not fall below the red line of 120 million hectares. We will improve the quality of cultivated land, increase overall agricultural production capacity, and guarantee our basic self-sufficiency of cereal grains and absolute grain security. In this way, we will have full control over the food supply of China’s 1.3 billion people. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2014.

3. 加快推进农业现代化。坚持“三农”重中之重地位不动摇,加快转变农业发展方式,让农业更强、农民更富、农村更美。——《2015年政府工作报告》,2015

3. We will work harder to modernize agriculture. We will continue to give top priority to our work relating to agriculture, rural areas, and the rural population, speed up the transformation of the agricultural growth model, and ensure that agriculture is stronger, people in rural areas are better off, and rural China is more beautiful. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2015.


例句 1:
The issues of agriculture, farmer and rural areas have been beginning to highlight at the beginning of the new century. the further development of the dual economy has made China's urban and rural, industrial and agricultural development trend to uneven situation and the gaps between them greater which has seriously hampered the further development of the Chinese economy.

例句 2:
The Problems of the agriculture, rural areas and peasants were extremely serious in modern China, and it had become a great factor that had hindered the society development.

例句 3:
Three Rural Issues is the core and foundation of all problems in China, whether it is from the historical point of view or from the world.





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