

字词 独立自主、自力更生


independence and self-reliance


Deng Xiaoping: Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1994: 14.


独立自主、自力更生是以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党在领导中国革命和建设的全部活动中得出的一个创造性结论。独立自主,既是处理中国共产党与共产国际及其他共产党关系上的一个重要原则(中共中央党史研究室第一、二、三研究部,2013:194)。1938年9月到11月召开的党的六届六中全会,强调党必须独立自主地领导人民进行抗日战争,坚持统一战线中的独立自主原则。毛泽东还说,我们要打击日本侵略者,取得革命胜利,依靠什么?我们不能学国民党,自己不动手专靠外国人。我们是主张自力更生的。我们希望有外援,但我们不能依赖它,我们依靠自己的努力。他还提出:我们的方针要放在自己力量的基点上,叫做自力更生。我们并不孤立,全世界一切反对帝国主义的国家和人民都是我们的朋友。但是我们强调自力更生,我们能够依靠自己组织的力量,打败一切中外反对派。中国革命的胜利同世界人民的支持是分不开的,但主要是依靠自力更生取得的。同样,进行社会主义建设,也应主要依靠本国人民群众的力量,坚持独立自主、自力更生。正是在自力更生为主、争取外援为辅的路线指引下,我们才建立起独立的比较完整的工业体系和国民经济体系。此外,在各国共产党、各个社会主义国家之间的关系上,针对苏联的大国主义、大党主义,我们也提出并坚持了独立自主原则。党的十一届三中全会以后,我们实行对外开放的政策,就是建立在独立自主原则的基础上的(via: http://qw.duxiu.com/getPage?sw=独立自主、自力更&ecode=utf-8)。


[1] 中共中央党史研究室第一、二、三研究部编.关于历史问题的决议及十一届三中全会以来党对历史的回顾[M].中共党史出版社,2013.
[2] 独立自主、自力更生.via: http://qw.duxiu.com/getPage?sw=独立自主、自力更生&ecode=utf-8


1. 中国的事情要按照中的情况来办,要依靠中国人自己的力量来办。独立自主,自力更生,无论过去、现在和将来,都是我们的立足点。中国人民珍惜同其他国家和人民的友谊和合作,更加珍惜自己经过长期奋斗而得来的独立自主的权利。任何外国不要指望中国做他们的附庸,不要指望中国会吞下损害我国利益的苦果。我们坚定不移地实行对外开放政策,在平等互利的基础上积极扩大对外交流。同时,我们保持清醒的头脑,坚决抵制外来腐朽思想的侵蚀,决不允许资产阶级生活方式在我国泛滥。——《邓小平文选(第三卷)》,1993:3

1. China’s affairs should be run according to China’s specific conditions and by the Chinese people themselves. Independence and self-reliance have always been and will always be their basic stand. While the Chinese people value their friendship and cooperation with other countries and other peoples, they value even more their hard-won independence and sovereign rights. No foreign country should expect China to be its vassal or to accept anything that is damaging to China’s own interests. We shall unswervingly follow a policy of opening up to the outside world and increase our exchanges with foreign countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. At the same time, we shall keep clear heads, firmly resist corruption by decadent ideas from abroad and never permit the bourgeois way of life to spread in our country. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1994: 14.


例句 1:
What we should do is that we grasp the relation of socialism and capitalism in the unity of opposites, and that we should learn from capital civilization, while adhering to socialist direction, independent development and self-reliance.

例句 2:
The three generations of leaders have their different leading thought and style in their practice, meanwhile have kept the same way in the root. All the three generations of leaders of the CPC are directed by the Marxist thought, insist the socialist direction, the leading of the CPC, the principle of developing by the ability of ourselves and leading the country with law and morality, take ourselves way, and take it as the basis of the CPC leading our country to realize and safeguard all the people’s radical benefits.

例句 3:
In the process of leading the revolution and construction, the Chinese Communist Party has been sticking to t





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