字词 | 激励机制和容错纠错机制 |
释义 | 激励机制和容错纠错机制【英】incentive mechanisms and mechanisms to allow for and address mistakesmechanisms to provide incentives and allow for and rectify errors译文来源[1]Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. via: 定义李克强总理《2016年政府工作报告》中指出:“健全激励机制和容错纠错机制,给改革创新者撑腰鼓劲,让广大干部愿干事、敢干事、能干成事。中国改革开放30多年的辉煌成就,就是广大干部群众干出来的。”“非圣贤,孰能无过”,敢想敢干的改革创新者也可能犯错。而且正因为他们是改革者、是创新者,在实践中会有一些新思想、新做法,有可能会改变旧有的发展模式,会打破原有的利益格局,会让一些人对他们“另眼相看”,甚至会引起一些人的恐慌、质疑。而一旦他们在实践过程中出现了失误,不小心犯了错,就可能被一些别有用心的人大做文章。如果没有相应的机制保护,改革创新者的积极性就会被打压,甚至打垮。改革道路绝非坦途,是除旧布新的过程,是迎着困难上、不断迎接挑战的过程。现实中,一些改革措施遭遇“中梗阻”,一些重大战略难以落实,一定程度上与一些领导干部有顾虑、不敢改革、不敢创新有关,他们认为“枪打出头鸟”、“做得越多风险越大”。通过健全激励机制,让改革创新者尝到“甜头”,看到干与不干确实不一样;通过容错纠错机制,让改革创新者感受到“依靠”,释放出更多的工作活力。当然,容错不等于无限度宽容,更不等于可以胡来,各地各部门在深入推进改革创新的过程中要从实际出发,加强民主集中,不允许出现不经调研的“拍脑袋决策”和不经集体讨论的“任性拍板”。“惟其艰难,方显勇毅;惟其笃行,才弥足珍贵。”健全激励机制和容错纠错机制意义重大,会坚定广大领导干部改革创新的决心,增加他们推进改革创新的底气(新华网评:以容错纠错机制为改革创新者撑腰.新华网.via: 定义来源新华网评:以容错纠错机制为改革创新者撑腰.新华网.via: 例句1. 政府工作人员要恪尽职守、夙夜在公,主动作为、善谋勇为。深入践行“三严三实”,增强政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,加强作风和能力建设,打造高素质专业化的公务员队伍。健全并严格执行工作责任制,确保各项政策和任务不折不扣落到实处。健全督查问责机制,坚决整肃庸政懒政怠政行为,决不允许占着位子不干事。健全激励机制和容错纠错机制,给改革创新者撑腰鼓劲,让广大干部愿干事、敢干事、能干成事。中国改革开放30多年的辉煌成就,就是广大干部群众干出来的。——《2016年政府工作报告》,2016 1. Government workers must take an active approach to their work, carry out effective planning and decisive implementation, fulfill all their duties, and work tirelessly in service of the public. We will practice the Three Stricts and Three Honests; become more aware of the need to uphold political integrity, keep in mind the bigger picture, follow the CPC as the core of the Chinese leadership, act consistently with CPC Central Committee policy; and improve conduct and competence in order to become a contingent of top-performing public servants with a good command of professional expertise. We will improve and strictly enforce the work responsibility system and fully execute all policies and tasks without fail. We will improve oversight and accountability systems, root out incompetence, inertia, and negligence, and show zero tolerance for those who are on the government payroll but do not perform their duties. We will improve incentive mechanisms and mechanisms to allow for and address mistakes, supporting and motivating those who are committed to carrying out reforms and making innovations. This will help ensure that our officials want to act, are not afraid to act, and are able to act and deliver. The remarkable achievements made in China’s reform and opening up over the past 30 plus years are a result of the actions of our people and our officials. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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