

字词 潜意识(又作下意识)


subconsciousness; subconscious; subliminal


[2]Subconscious. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subconscious#The_subconscious_and_psychoanalysis
[3]Fukuyama, F. The End of History and the Last Man [M]. New York: The Free Press A Division of Macmillan, Inc., 1992: 166.


潜意识概念是弗洛伊德精神分析学的重要理论基石之一,也是精神分析理论有别于其他理论之处。弗洛伊德本人就曾说过:“‘精神分析学’原先只是一种独特的治疗方法,如今,它已成为一门学科——潜意识精神过程的名称了”(弗洛伊德,1987:103)。对潜意识现象的本质和运行机制及其在心理过程中的地位与意义的解释和说明,构成了精神分析理论的核心内容。在弗洛伊德看来,所谓潜意识就“是一种不能为意识所知的特殊心里活动”(弗洛伊德:1987:297)。潜意识处于心理结构的最底层,由各种最原始的、未经丝毫雕琢掩饰的、赤裸裸的本能和欲望构成。作为生物本能能量的仓库,潜意识是人类一切活动的动力源泉。弗洛伊德明确提出,潜意识活动的规律和意识活动的规律是大相径庭的。“当我们仔细观察其中一个系统,即潜意识系统时,会从中发现另一个系统所不具备的特征”(弗洛伊德,1987:308)。根据弗洛伊德论述,潜意识至少具有四个重要的特征:(1)无逻辑性。潜意识中的所有心理活动都是毫无理性和逻辑性而言的。(2)原发过程。指的是潜意识活动是一种独特的思维模式,它服从与前意识自我不同的法则,趋乐避苦,只按快乐原则行事,不顾一切条件和一切场合去表现自己。(3)主观性。指的是以心理现实代替外界现实。(4)无时间性。潜意识本能冲动之间彼此孤立,既无逻辑关系,也无时间先后顺序。在人的正个心理活动中,以上三个结构之间互相制约、相互渗透,又相互冲突,由此构成了作为一个复杂的动态整体的心理过程(学习心理学——《经典精神分析简介》(1).via:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_8f7398040102vcah.html )。




1. 显然,这个青果商并不关心所贴口号的语意脉络。他在窗口贴上这个口号,不是来自想把它所表现的理想传达给公众的个人愿望。当然,这不是说他的行为没有动机也没有意义;也不是要借这口号向公众呼吁什么。这口号其实是一种“符号”含有潜意识的极其牢固的讯息。——《历史的终结》,1998:194-195

1. Obviously, the greengrocer is indifferent to the semantic content of the slogan on exhibit; he does not put the slogan in this window from any personal desire to acquaint the public with the ideal it expresses. This, of course, does not mean that his action has no motive or significance at all, or that the slogan communicates nothing to anyone. The slogan is really a sign, and as such it contains a subliminal but very definite message. -Quoted from The End of History and the Last Man, 1992: 166.

2. 我们并不否认,这样一种心理在我国目前的政治环境中是有其根源的,可以说是由于为公开的运动作出了惨重的牺牲而产生的。这样一种不负责任的心理,一种下意识地想一旦失败就‘推说不在场’的心理,促使工人群众的某些阶层复活对地下组织的推崇。——《列宁全集(第二十二卷)》,1990:331-332

2. It is exactly this psychology—which, we admit, is rooted in our present political situation and is sufficiently explained by the heavy sacrifices already made for the sake of an open movement—this psychology of irresponsibility, of a subconscious desire to prove one’s absence in the event of failure, that inspires certain sections of the mass of the workers with a resurgent respect for the underground. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18), 1978: 529-530.

3. 从俄狄浦斯情节过程中脱颖而出的人的主体是一个分裂的主体,不安地徘徊于意识与无意识之间,而无意识随时可能回过头来折磨它。在通俗英语中经常用的是“下意识”这个词,而不是“无意识”;但这样做就低估了无意识所固有的“异他性”,把无意识想象成是透过表面伸手可及的。——《文学原理引论》,1987:185

3. The human subject who emerges from the Oedipal process is a split subject, torn precariously between conscious and unconscious; and the unconscious can always return to plague it. In popular English speech, the word 'subconscious' rather than 'unconscious' is often used; but this is to underestimate the radical otherness of the unconscious, imagining it as a place just within reach below the surface. -Quoted from Literary Theory: An Introduction, 2008: 136.


例句 1:
Preconsciousness includes individuals primitive impulse, all kinds of instincts and the desires originate from these instincts, which is the most basic reason why mankind becomes mankind.

例句 2:
In evolving process, the nature directs the subconsciousness to satisfy itself. Once sub consciousness satisfied, you can feel relaxing and aesthetic perception. 

例句 3:
The recent psychological theories in the West have exerted great impacts on the development of modern literature and art. Profound among these theories is Psychoanalytic school proposed by Freud with subconsciousness as its core theory. Psychologists such as Freud, Carl Gustav Jung,and Fromm held their respective views on subconsciousness. -Quoted from Subconsciousness in Painting—On the Employment of Subconsciousness in My Watercolor Painting, 2005: II.





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