

字词 永恒轮回(又作永恒循环)


eternal recurrence


Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 48.


永恒轮回是德国哲学家尼采提出的理论,具体是指权力意志在局部的质的方面是流动不变和反复轮回的。尼采在《查拉图斯特拉如是说》、《快乐的科学》、《强力意志论》等著作中比较集中地论述了这一理论。尼采认为,永恒轮回的理念起源于赫拉克利特和斯多阿派,当世界处在永不停息的流变的过程中时,万事万物产生又消灭,消灭又产生,如此循环不已,新产生的事物没有任何发展与提高,依然是已出现过的事物。世界上所有事物,消灭后都还会重新再来,但不是作为一种新的或相仿的生命,而是作为一致的生命重新再来。我们和万物一起生存了无数次,世界只不过是同一些事物无限次地反复重演过程。永恒轮回的理论也就是一切事物绝对而永远循环的理论。尼采提出这一理论是为了使有限的人生与永恒联系起来。“永恒轮回说” 关涉有限和无限、瞬间和永恒、个体和整体、生存和死亡等相互关系问题的回答,在尼采的整个思想体系中具有基础性意义。具体来说,它有这样几个方面的意义:第一,永恒轮回是在权力意志思想的基础上对世界整体生成方式的描述,它反对了基督教及其他种种有关世界发展的目的论观点。第二,“永恒轮回说”强调感性事物的永恒在场性,高度肯定了变易的感性世界的唯一性,有力地批判了无时间性的超感性理想的虚幻性和破坏性。第三,作为“超人”实现的理论公设,“永恒轮回说”有着激发人的创造活力、促成人的个性化创新的作用(杨茂明,2006: 42)。




1. 如果新的“自由主义一保守主义”联盟能够构建出各种主体所接受的霸权规划,即与反平等主义相结合的自由市场经济,那么左翼也能够构建出代表其选择的各种主体。正确的置换始终是左翼的置换,不过,对那些试图在政治事务的核心上永久地加强社会正义的人来说,稍微令人绝望的是,相反的情况也必定如此:摆脱目的论确实带来一种风险,即不得不接受一种可能令人沮丧的“永恒轮回”。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:44-45

1. If the new “liberal-conservative” alliance can construct subjects to accept its hegemonic project of a free market economy blended with anti-egalitarianism, then so can the left construct them on behalf of its alternative. A right displacement can always be answered by a left displacement, although, somewhat depressingly for those seeking to entrench social justice permanently at the heart of political affairs, the reverse must also be the case: a movement away from teleology does run the risk of having to embrace a potentially dispiriting “eternal recurrence”. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 28.

2. 尽管拉克劳和墨菲试图提出一种乐观的解释,但是他们的分析不只一次地暗示了“永恒轮回”的虚无主义寓意。“一切都胜负难料”也可能意味着“无论你付出多久都没有获胜的可能性”。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:48

2. For all that Laclau and Mouffe strive to put an optimistic gloss on things, there is more than a hint of the nihilistic implications of “eternal recurrence” in their analysis. “All to play for” can also mean “no possibility of winning no matter how long you play”. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 31.

3. 那个讯息在基调上主要是负面的:我们知道我们面对的是什么,伹也知道它不可能自动消失,它至少像我们一样足智多谋。《霸权和社会主义战略》鋟后对新社会秩序的呼唤似乎同无处不在的永恒轮回的幽灵相冲突。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:48

3. The message is largely negative in tone: we know what we are up against, but also know that it is unlikely to go away and that it is at least as resourceful as we are. The calls for a new social order at the close of Hegemony and Socialist Strategy seem to clash with that omnipresent spectre of eternal recurrence.-Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 31.


例句 1:
The second part from the Dionysian spirit, the will to power, eternal recurrence, and four Superman expounds the concept of Nietzsche's life, aesthetics, and analysis of the Dionysian spirit, the will to power, eternal recurrence, and Superman the close between the four concepts relations. Originated in ancient Greek culture in the Dionysian spirit is the fundamental life aesthetics Nietzsche, Will to Power is the Dionysian spirit alias, Superman is the embodiment of Dionysian spirit. Dionysian affirmation of the spirit of the meaning of life is the will to power, the eternal essence of reincarnation and the superhuman. Can definitely say that life is the core of Nietzsche's aesthetic life, the essence.

例句 2:
Nietzsche to the nature and the world will come down to the right that all the world there are, in essence, including the power of the will, and this way





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