

字词 财政收支


government revenues and expenditures; public revenue and expenditure


[1] Report on the Work of Government, 2016. via: http://english.gov.cn/premier/news/2016/03/17/content_281475309417987.htm
[2] Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 112.


指国家财政收入和财政支出的总称,是国家财政分配资金的两个方面。财政收入是由国家直接参与国民收入分配集中得到财政资金。财政支出是对财政资金积累的拨付和使用。我国是社会主义国家,国家财政是建立在生产资料公有制基础上的,是为广大劳动人民根本利益服务,为发展社会主义经济,巩固无产阶级专政,实现社会主义现代化服务的,它取之于民,用之于民。我国财政收入包括预算收入和预算外收入。国家预算收入是财政收入的主要部分。预算收入主要有税收、企业收入和事业收入以及其他公产和债务罚没收入等。预算外收入种类较多,主要有各项附加收入、企业专项基金收入、经济文化事业收入和其他零星杂项收入等。财政支出是国家为了行使其职能,把通过财政各渠道各环节筹集获得的资金进行分配和使用。我国财政支出分为预算支出和预算外支出,其中预算支出占主要地位。财政支出主要有:(1)经济建设支出。如基本建设投资、流动资金支出,支农支出,企业更新改造资金、经建事业费等;(2)社会文教卫生支出。如科研、文化、教育、医疗等事业支出;(3)国防支出;(4)行政管理费用支出。此外,还有援外、清偿债务、增拨银行信贷资金、总预备费等支出。国家财政收入与财政支出之间存在着辩证统一的关系,它们既互相依存,又互相制约。财政收入和财政支出都是代表相应的资金运动,财政收入决定财政支出,财政支出安排得当,能促进生产发展,增加财政收入,因而财政支出又制约着财政收入。可见,两者是统一的。但也存在着矛盾,主要是:(1)财政收入与财政支出在数量上的矛盾;(2)财政收入与财政支出在时间上的矛盾;(3)各地区财政收入与支出的差异。正确处理财政收入与财政支出既统一又矛盾的关系,是实现财政收支平衡的基本任务,而实现财政收支的基本平衡,对于保证和促进国民经济高效、高速、持续、稳定和协调发展具有重要的意义(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=vRuK8zDhQTHObErm4UBkSxQF11GIuS2zChZ4FcxRSdi_GTgISVBBGS-I66W9ej3cebNC6JJRRMuRj_QSQQ-RTa)。


via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=vRuK8zDhQTHObErm4UBkSxQF11GIuS2zChZ4FcxRSdi_GTgISVBBGS-I66W9ej3cebNC6JJRRMuRj_QSQQ-RTa


1. 受全球贸易萎缩等因素影响,去年我国进出口总额出现下降,预期增长目标未能实现。投资增长乏力,一些行业产能过剩严重,部分企业生产经营困难,地区和行业走势分化,财政收支矛盾突出,金融等领域存在风险隐患。——《2016年政府工作报告》

1. With the decline in global trade, amongst other factors, China experienced a fall in its total imports and exports and failed to reach its growth objective in this regard Growth in investment is sluggish, overcapacity is a serious problem in certain industries, some enterprises are facing difficulties in production and operations, growth prospects ate mixed for different regions and different industries, notable imbalances exist between government revenue and expenditures, and there are latent risks in the financial and other sectors. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2016.

2. 毛泽东同志着重地批判了那种离开发展经济而单纯在财政收支问题上打主意的错误思想,和那种不注意动员人民帮助人民发展生产渡过困难而只注意向人民要东西的错误作风,提出了党的“发展经济,保障供给”的正确方针。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:847

2. Comrade Mao Tse-tung here severely criticizes the mistaken notion of concentrating on public revenue and expenditure to the neglect of economic development, and the wrong working style of making demands on the people without mobilizing and helping them to develop production and surmount difficulties, and he set forth the Party’s correct policy of “developing the economy and ensuring supplies”. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 112.


例句 1:
Therefore, as soon as possible, we should work out and perfect revenue and expenditure partition law, making government finance departments at all levels division of the revenue and expenditure boundaries clear and managing extent of authority, that is our country realizes the inevitable request that finance rules by law.

例句 2:
1935 was an extremely important year in China's financial history, and it was a major reform of the financial revenue and expenditure system by the national government.

例句 3:
Secondly, from the aspect of the legal system of the origin of township fiscal risks, that is missing, fiscal transfer payment law legal system defects and ineffective supervision is the main cause of township fiscal risk.





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