

字词 民族的发展


development of the nation


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 458.


民族是一种社会历史现象,是变化发展的,受到社会发展规律的制约。民族存在于一定的社会之中,而社会的人在一定的社会发展阶段又都属于一定的民族, 民族成员同时也是社会成员,所以社会的发展决定着民族的发展。人类从原始社会到共产主义社会,民族从产生到消亡,这是两个平行的过程,后者受前者制约,这是民族发展的一般过程。但是,社会历史是复杂的,社会发展的序列,对于各个民族并不是划一的,并非任何民族都毫无例外地经过每一个社会发展阶段,也不是所有的民族都要走完社会发展的全部进程。如中国的鄂伦春、赫哲等少数民族在共和国以后就跨越了几个社会发展阶段,从原始社会直接进入了社会主义社会(林崇德等,1995:58)。列宁指出:“世界历史发展的一般规律,不仅丝毫不排斥个别发展阶段在发展形式或顺序上表现出,反而是以此为前提的”(列宁,1995:776)。特殊性历史上经常发生一个民族同化于另一个民族或分化为几个民族的现象,在这种情况下,被同化民族自然再不会经过以后的社会发展阶段,而新产生的民族当然也就没有经过以前的各社会发展阶段。不同民族在发展过程中出现差别,是民族发展辩证性、规律性的自然表现。民族的发展变化,取决于它的社会生产及内部和外部交往发展的程度。在不同的社会,民族的发展水平也是不同的(林崇德等,1995:58)。


[1] 林崇德,何本方.中国成人教育百科全书 社会·历史[M].南海出版公司,1994.
[2] 列宁.列宁选集(第四卷)[C].人民出版社,1995.


1. “这个结果是在两个民族的发展进程中预先确定了的。法国人通过政治走向共产主义(当然,现在我们已经知道,法国人民是怎样走向共产主义的);德国人通过最后变成人类学的形而上学走向社会主义(即走向“真正的社会主义”。)共产主义和社会主义归根到底都消融在人道主义中了。”——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:539-540

1. “This result has been determined by the course of development of the two nations; the French arrived at communism by way of politics” (now it is clear, of course, how the French people came to communism); “the Germans arrived at socialism” (namely “true socialism”) “by way of metaphysics, which eventually changed into anthropology. Ultimately both are resolved in humanism.” -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 458.

2. 这样做就不仅有可能洞悉“两个民族的发展进程”,而且有可能光辉地显示出一个醉心于思辨妙想的个人比法国人和德国人高明的地方。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:540

2. One has thereby not only submitted “the course of development of the two nations” to a piercing scrutiny but has also brilliantly demonstrated the superiority of the speculative individual over both Frenchmen and Germans. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 458-459.

3. 这种反常的配合不但无益,反而有害,因为它除了阻碍后进的民族的发展以外,还会把区域自治变成被组织在民族联盟内的各民族互相冲突的舞台。——《斯大林全集(第二卷)》,1953:266

3. This unnatural combination does not improve matters but makes them worse, because in addition to retarding the development of the belated nations it transforms regional autonomy into an arena of conflict between the nations organised in the national unions. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 2), 1953: 365.


例句 1:
With the theoretical analysis and system innovation, the paper proposes the measures to protect the nation's legal system on development right, which is the focus and core of this paper.

例句 2:
As the organic component of scientific outlook on development, scientific national development determines the existence and development of ethnics as well as social stability. A comprehensive survey of different countries in the world reveals that the ultimate resolution of ethnic problems still depends on development.

例句 3:
而民族发展权所探讨的核心,在于关注少数民族群体的处境,以权利统摄这些问题。从发展权相对于其它人权的重要地位而言,发展权还是渗透其间、包容各种权利形态的特殊权利。——《少数民族发展权法律保障研究》,武汉大学博士学位论文,2012And the kernel of the nationality right to development is to care about the situation of minority nationalities and govern these issues in the viewpoint of rights. The right to development is also an important and special right including various right patterns and permeating other rights compared with other rights.





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