

字词 有价证券




Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1976: 569.






1. 不久前竭力反对一切模仿法兰西共和国的企图的可敬的布鲁塞尔资产者,已经尝到了巴黎财政危机的恶果。他们痛骂在政治上模仿别人,可是自己却沉湎于在财政上模仿别人。他们盛赞比利时的独立和中立,可是自己却看到比利时的交易所完全屈从巴黎的交易所。南部国境线上的军事警戒线,挡不住有价证券狂跌的怒潮以排出倒海之势涌入有保证的中立的比利时领土。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:561

1. The good bourgeoisie of Brussels who, only a few days ago, desperately denied any intention of wanting to copy the French Republic, have felt the results of the financial crisis in Paris. While still decrying political imitation they submit to financial imitation. While still singing the praises of Belgian independence and neutrality, they found that the Brussels Stock Exchange was completely and most humiliatingly dependent on the Paris Stock Exchange. The cordon of troops which holds the southern frontier has not stopped the lowering of share prices from invading, unimpeded, the guaranteed neutral territory of Belgium. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 569.

2. 这一时期还有这样一些特征:禁止金银外运的法令废除了,货币贸易、银行、国债和纸币产生了,股票投机、有价证券投机和各方面的投机倒把等现象出现了。这个时期的一般特点是货币制度的发达。资本又有很大一部分丧失了它原来还带有的那种原始的自然的性质。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:67

2. This period is also characterised by the cessation of the bans on the export of gold and silver and the beginning of money trade, banks, national debts, paper money, speculation in stocks and shares, stockjobbing in all articles and the development of finance in general. Again capital lost a great part of the natural character which had still clung to it. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 72.

3. 在法律还没有确定这些基金所要投入的证券的性质以前,一个属于普鲁士政府管辖的商业企业奉命购买相当的有价证券。这一企业去找贴现公司,公司就为三项帝国基金出售了3亿法郎的铁路股票,这些股票我们可以一一列举,它们都是当时卖不出去的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十九卷)》,1963:198

3. Even before a law had laid down the nature of the securities in which these funds would be invested, a commercial company owned by the Prussian Government was authorised to buy up suitable stocks and shares. This company turned to the Discount Society, which sold, for the three imperial funds, 300 million francs worth of railway shares, at that time unsaleable, which we could specify. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1989: 278.


例句 1:
Although Criminal Law of 1979 had ordained the crime of counterfeiting valuable securities, it cannot satisfy the needs of attacking the crime of securities. Criminal Law subsequently added the crime of fraud against portfolio, which provided more sufficient bases of attacking the crime of securities, especially the crime of valuable securities.

例句 2:
Pledge of securities plays a very important role in the actual life as a significant type of the pledge of rights, but regulations on pledge of securities are not perfect, and relevant theoretical researches are not deep enough in our country.

例句 3:
With the continuous development of Chinese insurance industry, its position in  the international insurance industry has significantly increased,the size o





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