

字词 教理(又作信理、信条)


dogmata; dogma


Dogma.via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogma


亦称 “信理”、“信条”、“教义”等。信仰的象征、纲领和对一种世界观的阐述。教义,通常指一种宗教信仰体系,简明表述即信条、信纲。大凡体系完备的宗教,皆需以某种形而上学为其宇宙观、认知论的基石,这便是宗教哲学。伊斯兰教义学既是一种信仰体系,也是一种文化传统,至今仍有广泛影响。因其内部流派不同,称谓各异。教义多以“尔歌一德”相称。正统教义学称为“凯拉姆学”,即思辨教义学,亦称经院教义学。苏非教义学称为“认主学”,而思辨苏非首创的一种独特的认主方式,因坚信真主之光对人类心灵的启迪作用,故称“照明学”、“灵智学”。正统救义学始自艾什尔里(公元874-935年)。艾什尔里学派对穆尔太齐赖学派的批判和扬弃,首开思辩教义学之先河,后经经院教义学集大成者安萨里(公元1058-1111年)的修订、发展,乃有今人所了解的教义学体系。广义而言,中国穆斯林在教义信仰上多属艾什尔里系统。但他们并非直接承自艾什尔里学派,而是承自几与艾什尔里学派齐名、信仰上略有差异的马图里迪(?-945年)学派,注重对真主启示的内心诚信、舌上念诵、身体力行。中国伊斯兰教界广为流传的一部教义学名著,称为《教典诠释》(旧译《教典释难》、《天方释难要言》、《教义学大纲》),其作者奈赛斐(公元1068-1142年)和注释者赛尔领丁·太弗塔萨尼(公元1312-1389年)都是中亚学者,皆属马图里迪学派(吴云贵,1993:29)。同时,我们知道在伊斯兰教义学中,《古兰经》和圣训是其基础,内容包括“清真言”的基本点、五功、六大信仰、善行等,据以鉴别不同教派和学派观点的异同,排斥“异端邪说”等。




1. “每一种宗教观念的特点都是把这样一种情况奉为信条:两个对立面中最后总有一个要成为胜利的和唯一真实的。”我们将看到,宗教的批判的批判是把这样一种情况奉为信条:两个对立面中最后有一个。——“批判”。——要作为唯一的真理战胜另一个对立面——“群众”。可是蒲鲁东却把群众的公平当做绝对者,奉为历史上的神,从而就犯下了更不公平的过错,因为公平的批判已经非常明确地为自己保留了这个绝对者、这个历史上的神的地位。 ——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1957:41-42

1. “It is a characteristic of every religious conception that it sets up as a dogma a situation in which at the end one of the opposites comes out victorious as the only truth.” We shall see how religious Critical Criticism sets up as a dogma a situation in which at the end one of the opposites, “Criticism”, comes out victorious over the other, the “Mass”, as the only truth. By seeing in mass-type justice an Absolute, a god of history, Proudhon committed an injustice that is all the greater because just Criticism has explicitly reserved for itself the role of that Absolute, that god in history. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family, 1975: 34.

2. 绝对批判的出发点是“精神”的绝对权限的信条。其次,它的出发点是精神存在于世界以外即精神存在于群众以外的信条,最后,它同时把“精神”、“进步”这个方面和“群众”这个方面变成凝固不动的本质,即变成概念,然后又把双方当做一种永久不变的极端相互对立起来。绝对的批判并不想去研究“精神”本身,并不想去研究精神自己的唯灵论的本性和它的轻率的奢望是否就是“空话”、“自我欺骗”、“萎靡不振”的根源。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1957:105-106

2. Absolute Criticism proceeds from the dogma of the absolute competency of the “Spirit”. Furthermore, it proceeds from the dogma of the extramundane existence of the Spirit, i.e., of its existence outside the mass of humanity. Finally, it transforms “the Spirit”, “Progress”, on the one hand, and “the Mass” on the other, into fixed entities, into concepts, and then relates them to one another as such given rigid extremes. It does not occur to Absolute Criticism to investigate the “Spirit” itself, to find out whether it is not in its spiritualistic nature, in its airy pretensions, that the “phrase”, “self-deception” and “pithlessness” are rooted. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family, 1975: 83.


例句 1:
The notion of “Three-One”, with its broad connotation, is a very important concept in Taoist doctrines, which covers many aspects of the Taoist beliefs and doctrines, like its cosmology, monasticism, theorization, pedigree of immortals, scholastic system, as well as philosophical speculation, hence widely applied.

例句 2:
First comes the perforation of the paper, which just makes the Buddhist tenet, Buddhist tasting culture put together as well as its art works so as to promote Chinese Buddhism Art Study to go through in depth.

例句 3:
It was natural for the universally utility-oriented popular religions to influence the common people's attitude towards the foreign religion. For the grass-rooted commons, what could move them was the new religion's efficaciousness instead of its abstruse theories.





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