

字词 拉马克


Jean-Baptiste Lamarck


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:99.
[2] Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Baptiste_Lamarck




敖光辉.拉马克的进化论及其评述[J]. 四川师范学院学报(自然科学版),1992(1).


1. 在黑格尔看来,自然界只是观念的“外化”,它在时间上不能发展,只是在空间中展示自己的多样性,因此,它把自己所包含的一切发展阶段同时地和一个挨着一个地展示出来,并且注定永远重复总是同一的过程。黑格尔把发展是在空间以内、但在时间(这是一切发展的基本条件)以外发生的这种谬论强加于自然界,恰恰是在地质学、胚胎学、植物和动物生理学以及有机化学都已经建立起来,并且在这些新科学的基础上到处都产生了预示后来的进化论的天才猜测(例如歌德和拉马克)的时候。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷):路德维希·费尔巴哈和德国古典哲学的终结》,1965:321

1. According to him, nature, as a mere “alienation” of the idea, is incapable of evolution in time—capable only of extending its manifoldness in space, so that it displays simultaneously and side by side all the stages of evolution comprised in it, and is condemned to an eternal repetition of the same processes. This absurdity of evolution in space, but outside of time—the fundamental condition of all evolution—Hegel imposes upon nature just at the very time when geology, embryology, the physiology of plants and animals, and organic chemistry were taking shape, and when everywhere on the basis of these new sciences brilliant presentiments of the subsequent theory of evolution were appearing (for instance, Goethe and Lamarck). -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26): Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy, 1990: 370-371.

2. 自然科学家也没有得到更好的待遇,但是他只举出了达尔文的名字,所以我们只能以他为限:“达尔文主义的半诗和变态术连同它们的观点的肉欲狭隘性和辨别力的迟钝……据我们的意见,独特的达尔文主义——从它中间自然要把拉马克的学说除外——只是一种与人性对抗的兽性。” ——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:34

2. The natural scientists fare no better, but as only Darwin is cited by name we must confine ourselves to him: “Darwinian semi-poetry and dexterity in metamorphosis, with their coarsely sentient narrowness of comprehension and blunted power of differentiation [D. Ph. 142] ... In our view what is specific to Darwinism, from which of course the Lamarckian formulations must be excluded, is a piece of brutality directed against humanity”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 30.

3. 无论是达尔文或者是追随他的自然科学家,都没有想到要用某种方法来缩小拉马克的伟大功绩;而且正是他们最先把他重新抬举起来。可是我们不应该忽视,在拉马克时代,科学还远没有掌握充分的材料,以便能够对物种起源的问题作出并非预测的即所谓预言式的答案。可是从拉马克那时以来,在从事搜集或解剖的植物学和动物学领域内积累了大量的材料,此外还出现了在这方面具有决定性重要意义的两门崭新的科学:对植物和动物的胚胎发育的研究(胚胎学),对地球表面各个地层内所保存的有机体遗骸的研究(古生物学)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:80-81

3. Neither Darwin nor his followers among naturalists ever think of belittling in any way the great services rendered by Lamarck; in fact, they are the very people who first put him up again on his pedestal. But we must not overlook the fact that in Lamarck’s time science was as yet far from being in possession of sufficient material to have enabled it to answer the question of the origin of species except in an anticipatory way, prophetically, as it were. In addition to the enormous mass of material, both of descriptive and anatomical botany and zoology, which has accumulated in the intervening period, two completely new sciences have arisen since Lamarck's time, and these are of decisive importance on this question research into the development of plant and animal germ (embryology) and research into the organic remains preserved in the various strata of the earth's surface (palaeontology). -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 69.


例句 1:
Lamarckian learning theory provides a new idea to solve the problem from the theoretical level of cultural evolution. Lamarckian learning has been introduced into evolutionary computation to enhance the ability of local search, which gradually develops into a new hot spot-memetic computation, a new path for solving multi-objective optimization problem.

例句 2:
By introducing Lamarckian evolutionism, an improved differential evolution algorithm based on the gridded Lamarckian learning mechanism (DE-GLam) is proposed.

例句 3:
The mainstream view of Evolutionary Economics believes that technological evolution is not a new Darwinian process but a Lamarckian process, with the clear direction and certainty. In fact, randomness and certainty are coexisting in technological innovation, this paper shows that for a more pure basic innovation





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