

字词 性器官崇拜


sex organ worship








1. 情欲产生于紧张,而紧张状态是阶级社会所特有的流行病。如果这种紧张可以缓解,那么死的本能力量也必定能够减弱。抑制死的本能和增进爱欲,只有在提倡多方式的性满足和普遍的“里比多”(性)释放的社会中才能达到。这包含废除一夫一妻制的性器官主权至上论。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:281

1. Desire was produced by tension and tension was endemic to class society. If this tension could be reduced, then so would the power of the death instinct. The limitation of the death instinct and the enhancement of Eros could be achieved only in a society which encouraged polymorphous sexual gratification and widespread libidinal release. This involved the abolition of monogamic genital supremacy. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 296.

2. 他在《渐进的社会主义》一书中写道“每当我们看到以经济作为社会发展基础为出发点的理论在过分强调暴力崇拜的理论面前投降时,我们都会碰到黑格尔式的原理……马克思和恩格斯的一切伟大成就都不是依靠、而是不顾黑格尔的辩证法而取得的。” ——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:31

2. In Evolutionary Socialism he wrote: ‘Every time that we see the theory which starts from the economy as the basis of social development capitulate before the theory which over-emphasises the cult of force we will come across a Hegelian sentence… Every great achievement of Marx and Engels was achieved not by means of the Hegelian dialectic but in spite of it.’ -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 36.

3. 柏格森,这位仇恨僵化的一般概念的哲学家确立了对非理性的直接性的崇拜、对不自由中的至上自由的崇拜、他将凝固起来的现实当作坏的东西打发掉,追求一种时间意识中的“绝对化的绵延、纯粹的生成”;而胡塞尔则创造出一种区别于抽象形而上学的“理解本质的方式”,这是一种“特定的精神经验,这种经验能在特殊中知觉到本质”。——《文本的深度耕犁——后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:15

3. Bergson says the hater of the rigid general concept established a cult of irrational immediacy, of sovereign freedom in the midst of un-freedom. Solidified reality was withdrawn as a bad matter by him. And he pursues “absolutized duration, pure becoming” in time. Husserl would indeed sharply distinguish the mode of apprehending the essence from generalizing abstraction—what he had in mind was a specific mental experience capable of perceiving the essence in the particular. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 33.


例句 1:
Tug of War and its ceremony originated from ancient China,it was influenced by Korean national thoughts and traditional culture. It has become a very important agricultural and intangible cultural heritage. Especially in Daechi-Ri in Dangjin City in Chungcheongnam-do,people would have grand tug of war folk-custom ceremony each year. Through field investigation the author holds that Daechi-Ri tug of war has integrated Korean agricultural culture,traditional living culture,traditional etiquette and moral culture as well as traditional religion sacrificial culture. The ceremony embodies "transition etiquette" process of separation stage, marginalization stage and aggregation stage characteristics and functions respectively. The ceremony presents Korean Kotodama thoughts,witch thoughts,spiritual imperishahility thought,sexual organs worship thoughts,sacrifice to heaven thoughts,agricultural importance thoughts and other fol





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