

字词 归纳法


induction; inductive method




所谓归纳法(induction, inductive method)或称归纳推理(inductive reasoning),是在认识事物过程中所使用的思维方法。有时叫做归纳逻辑。是指人们以一系列经验事物或知识素材为依据,寻找出其服从的基本规律或共同规律,并假设同类事物中的其他事物也服从这些规律,从而将这些规律作为预测同类事物的其他事物的基本原理的一种认知方法。它基于对特殊的代表(token)的有限观察,把性质或关系归结到类型;或基于对反复再现的现象的模式(pattern)的有限观察,公式表达规律(《归纳法》,via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/归纳法)。归纳法是一种由个别到一般的论证方法。它通过许多个别的事例或分论点,然后归纳出它们所共有的特性,从而得出一个一般性的结论。归纳法可以先举事例再归纳结论,也可以先提出结论再举例加以证明。前者即我们通常所说之归纳法,后者我们称为例证法。例证法就是一种用个别、典型的具体事例实证明论点的论证方法。归纳法是从个别性知识,引出一般性知识的推理,是由已知真的前提,引出可能真的结论。(《归纳法》,via: http://baike.so.com/doc/1717104-1815306.html)。


[1] 归纳法.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/归纳法
[2] 归纳法.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/1717104-1815306.html


1. 它的始祖,备受称颂的弗兰西斯·培根,曾经渴望应用他的新的经验归纳法来首先达到延年益寿,某种程度上的返老还童,改容换貌,脱胎换骨,创造新种,呼风唤雨。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:389

1. Its father, the much lauded Francis Bacon, already advanced the demand that his new empirical, inductive method should be pursued to attain, above all, by its means: longer life, rejuvenation—to a certain extent, alteration of stature and features, transformation of one body into another, the production of new species, power over the air and the production of storms. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 345.

2. 现在海克尔们带着自己的归纳法跑出来了,他们大吹大擂,似乎做了一件了不起的事情——反对黑格尔,说什么应当从个别上升到特殊,然后上升到普遍,应当从个体上升到种,然后再上升到属,而在这之后,才容许那应当继续下去的演绎推理!——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:569

2. And now the Haeckels come forward with their induction and trumpet it as a great fact—against Hegel—that progression must be from the individual to the particular and then to the universal, from the individual to the species and then to the genus—and then permit deductive conclusions which are supposed to lead further. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 506.

3. 另一位英国经济学家理查德•琼斯同样在自己的书中明确提出了经济学的研究方法是“归纳法科学”,“政治经济学必须使所谓普遍适用的准则建立在经验的基础上”,这个基础“只有通过反复观察各国历史上发生过的事情才可能分析、研究和彻底了解”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:27

3. Another English economist, Richard Jones clearly elucidates the fact that economics is an “inductive science.” In An Essay on the Distribution of Wealth and the Sources of Taxation, Jone writes, “Political economy must be founded on all maxims which pretend to be universal on a comprehensive and laborious appeal to experience…[these] can only be separated, examined, and thoroughly understood by repeated observation of events as they occur or have occurred in the history of nations.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 3.


例句 1:
She applied deduction more frequently in grammar classes. But she advocated that inductive was more productive to enhance students’ language ability when learners are of high motives.

例句 2:
The inductive logic is a branch discipline, development of its prospect is extremely vast in logic discipline. Induction is a kind of method of the problem coming to resolve reality using the inductive logic. Induction has the important recognizing ability in study of science and the daily life.

例句 3:
As two common seen grammar teaching approaches, the deductive approach and inductive approach have their own advantages and disadvantages.





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