

字词 《晋察冀日报》


Shansi-Chahar-Hopei Daily


The SHANSI-HOPEI-CHAHAR BORDER REGION. Report 1, 1937-38. Bulletin Number 8 of the New China Information Committee.via: https://www.tavbooks.com/pages/books/37263/ke-han/the-shansi-hopei-chahar-border-region-report-1-1937-38-bulletin-number-8-of-the-new-china


 作为中国共产党晋察冀中央局的机关报,《晋察冀日报》伴随着晋察冀边区根据地一起发展壮大,见证了根据地的创建、巩固和发展,成为中国共产党在敌后根据地创刊最早、连续出版时间最长、影响最大的大区党报之一。在办报期间,面对敌人层层封锁和恶劣的环境,《晋察冀日报》的工作人员利用广泛的消息源,巧妙地绕过敌人的封锁线,源源不断地获取消息、出版报纸,像地雷战英雄李勇、狼牙山五壮士、英雄王二小等英雄事迹,都是在那段时间刊出的。《晋察冀日报》内容丰富多彩,形式多样,既有国际新闻、国内新闻,又有副刊《老百姓》,还有漫画、顺口溜、诗歌等。每天都会出小评论,每周出周评。报纸不仅在解放区出版发行,就是在敌占区也发行。由于文章内容通俗易懂、幽默诙谐、脍炙人口,成为当时根据地广大军民了解第八路军政策和根据地战况的主要渠道,也是晋察冀边区党和人民对敌作战的重要宣传武器。(晋察冀日报.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=V14ngdxDfJ8G97RkfytT0kTMbARc3S7KNuY4YWxzksfW95FC8JLsUsY6wOMs7pMvdL7U6DgTYaJ8PpJ7HoQGLM6GRaVeV1Cdvb2m-C6CEptxdCaebFj9MftV_-uvJk1I0LytxziG9j7s5YCffokAj_)


晋察冀日报.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=V14ngdxDfJ8G97RkfytT0kTMbARc3S7KNuY4YWxzksfW95FC8JLsUsY6wOMs7pMvdL7U6DgTYaJ8PpJ7HoQGLM6GRaVeV1Cdvb2m-C6CEptxdCaebFj9MftV_-uvJk1I0LytxziG9j7s5YCffokAj_


1. 关于军事民主,必须在练兵时实行官兵互教,兵兵互教;在作战时,实行在火线上连队开各种大、小会,在连队首长指导下,发动士兵群众讨论如何攻克敌阵,如何完成战斗任务。在连续几天的战斗中,此种会应开几次。此项军事民主,在陕北蟠龙战役和晋察冀石家庄战役中,都实行了,收到了极大效果。证明只有好处,毫无害处。——《毛泽东选集(第四卷)》,1991:1275

1. With regard to military democracy, in periods of training there must be mutual instruction as between officers and soldiers and among the soldiers themselves; and in periods of fighting the companies at the front must hold big and small meetings of various kinds. Under the direction of the company leadership, the masses of soldiers should be roused to discuss how to attack and capture enemy positions and how to fulfill other combat tasks. When the fighting lasts several days, several such meetings should be held. This kind of military democracy was practised with great success in the battle of Panlung in northern Shensi and in the battle of Shihchiachuang in the Shansi-Chahar-Hopei area. It has been proved that the practice can only do good and can do no harm whatsoever. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 4), 1961: 191.

2. 在处于敌人后方作战的游击战争面前,游击区和根据地是有区别的。在四围已被敌占但中间未被敌占或虽占而已经恢复的地区,例如五台山地区(即晋察冀边区)的某些县,太行山地区和泰山地区也有这种情形,这些都是现成的根据地,游击队据之以发展游击战争是很方便的。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:421

2. In guerrilla warfare behind the enemy lines, there is a difference between guerrilla zones and base areas. Areas which are surrounded by the enemy but whose central parts are not occupied or have been recovered, like some counties in the Wutai mountain region (i.e., the Shansi-Chahar-Hopei border area) and also some places in the Taihang and Taishan mountain regions, are ready-made bases for the convenient use of guerrilla units in developing guerrilla warfare. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tsu-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 96.


例句 1:
The shanxi-chahaer-hebei journal is the communist party of China in the Anti-Japanese War started a major newspaper.

例句 2:
The “Jinchaji Daily” is the newspaper that was the earliest and longest duration of newspaper in the anti-Japanese base. It can be published in the smoke of war and become national tubular that has the very big relations with the leader Deng Tuo.

例句 3:
“Shanxi-Chahaer-Hebei Daily” foreign affairs review the situation reported in Sino-Japanese War, the domestic political situation, the world anti-fascist war situation and so on.





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