

字词 平均产量


average product; average yield; average output


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1996: 50.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1997: 248.
[3] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1998: 696.




[1] 刘伟.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994.
[2] 农业大词典编辑委员会.农业大词典[Z].中国农业出版社,1998.


1. 厄什韦葛说过,到1823年,巴西金刚石矿八十年的总产量的价格还赶不上巴西甘蔗种植园或咖啡种植园一年半平均产量的价格,虽然前者代表的劳动多得多,从而价值也多得多。如果发现富矿,同一劳动量就会表现为更多的金刚石,而金刚石的价值就会降低。假如能用不多的劳动把煤变成金刚石,金刚石的价值就会低于砖的价值。总之,劳动生产力越高,生产一种物品所需要的劳动时间就越少,凝结在该物品中的劳动量就越小,该物品的价值就越小。相反地,劳动生产力越低,生产一种物品的必要劳动时间就越多,该物品的价值就越大。可见,商品的价值量与体现在商品中的劳动的量成正比,与这一劳动的生产力成反比。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:53-54

1. According to Eschwege, the total produce of the Brazilian diamond mines for the eighty years, ending in 1823, had not realized the price of one-and-a-half years’ average produce of the sugar and coffee plantations of the same country, although the diamonds cost much more labour, and therefore represented more value. With richer mines, the same quantity of labour would embody itself in more diamonds, and their value would fall. If we could succeed at a small expenditure of labour, in converting carbon into diamonds, their value might fall below that of bricks. In general, the greater the productiveness of labour, the less is the labour time required for the production of an article, the less is the amount of labour crystallised in that article, and the less is its value; and vice versa, the less the productiveness of labour, the greater is the labour time required for the production of an article, and the greater is its value. The value of a commodity, therefore, varies directly as the quantity, and inversely as the productiveness, of the labour incorporated in it. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 50.

2. 租期的持续时间无论如何不能短于采用轮作制所需的周转时间,因此,采用三圃制总是按3年、6年、9年等等计算的。在采用有全休耕地的三圃制时,同一块地,在6年中,只耕作4次,在耕作年度内,轮种冬季作物和夏季作物,而且,在土质所要求或许可的情况下,还轮种小麦和黑麦,大麦和燕麦。不同种类的物在同一块土地上的产量有多有少,各有不同的价值,并且按不同的价格出售。因此,同一块地的产量在每一个耕作年度是不同的,周期的前一半〈前3年〉也和后一半不同。甚至各个周期的平均产量也各不相同,因为产量不仅取决于土质,而且还取决于当年的气候,价格也取决于各种不同的情况。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十四卷)》,1972:275

2. The duration of the lease must in no ease be less than the time of completion of the adopted system of crop rotation. Hence one always calculates 3, 6, 9, etc., in the three-field system. In that system with clean fallow, a field is cultivated only four times in six years, being sown to winter and summer grain in the years of cultivation, and, if the properties of the soil require or permit it, to wheat and rye, barley and oats successively. Every species of grain differs in its yield from the others on the same soil, every one of them has a different value and is sold at a different price. For this reason the yield of a field is different every year it is cultivated, and different in the first half of the rotation (the first three years) from that of the second. Even the average yield of one period of rotation is not equal to that of another, for fertility does not depend solely on the good quality of the soil, but also on the weather each year, just as prices depend on a multitude of changing conditions. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36), 1997: 248.

3. 第二,我们知道,级差地租在它是由同一个总面积上的连续投资产生时,实际上会化成一个平均数,在这个平均数上,不同的投资的作用已经不再能够辨认和区别,因此不会在最坏土地上生出地租;而是1.它们会使比如说A级土地一英亩总收获的平均价格,成为新的起调节作用的价格;2.它们会表现为在新条件下充分耕种土地所必要的每英亩资本总量的变动,并且在资本总量中,各个连续的投资及其各自的作用已经不可区分地混在一起。较好土地的个别的级差地租也是这样。总之,在每个场合,级差地租都是由该级土地提供的平均产量和最坏土地按一个已经增加、现在已经作为标准的投资提供的产量相比的差额决定的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷)》,1974:795

3. It shows, secondly, that differential rent, in so far as it arises from successive investments of capital in the same total area, resolves itself in reality into an average, in which the effects of the various investments of capital are no longer recognisable and distinguishable, and therefore do not result in rent being yielded from the worst soil, but rather: 1 ) make the average price of the total yield for, say, an acre of A, the new regulating price and 2) appear as alteration in the total quantity of capital per acre required under the new conditions for the adequate cultivation of the soil; and in which the individual successive investments of capital, as well as their respective effects, will appear indistinguishably blended together. It is exactly the same with the individual differential rents from the superior soils. In each case, they are determined by the difference between the average output from the soil in question and the output from the worst soil at the increased capital investment—which has now become normal. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37), 1998: 696.


例句 1:
双季稻不同栽培方式间产量差异显著,3地点平均产量均以垄厢栽培最高,早稻和晚稻分别为5.52 t/hm2和5.81 t/hm2;以传统栽培方式最低,平均产量分别为4.75 t/hm2和5.25 t/hm2。——“冷浸田双季稻品种和栽培方式比较研究”,载于《作物研究》2014年01期
Significant differences in yield existed among different cultivation methods. The highest average yield in 3 locations under ridge cultivation method was highest, which reached 5. 52 t/hm2 in early season and 5. 81 t/hm2 in late season, and that under traditional cultivation method was the lowest yield, which were 4. 75 t/hm2 and 5. 25 t/hm2 in early and late season respectively. So it is advantageous to gain high yield in cold water paddy field by combination of optimum cultivars and ridge cultivation method.

例句 2:
云南省马铃薯常年播种面积65万hm2,产量1050万t,面积和产量分别居中国第5位和第4位,但单位面积产量仅为16.1 t/hm2,仅与全中国平均产量持平,只有发达国家的三分之一。——“从高产创建结果看云南马铃薯产量潜力”,载于《中国马铃薯》2015年05期
The area planted to potatoes in Yunnan Province was 650 000 hectares and the production was about 10.5 mil ion tons, ranking fifth and forth, respectively, in China. However, the yield per unit area was only 16.1 t/ha, the same as the average yield of the whole China and a third of developed countries.

例句 3:
从32年小麦平均产量来看,与不施肥相比,有机肥与化肥配施(高氮与等氮)的增产幅度最大,平均产量分别达5544.3和5200.6 kg·hm-2。——“长期施肥下淮北砂姜黑土区小麦产量稳定性研究”,载于《中国农业科学》2014年13期
In respect of wheat average yield of 32 years, HMNPK and MNPK





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