

字词 市场准入负面清单


a negative list for market accessmarket access negative list


[1] Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. via: http://english.gov.cn/premier/news/2016/03/17/content_281475309417987.htm
[2] Report on the Work of the Government, 2015. via: http://english.gov.cn/archive/publications/2015/03/05/content_281475066179954.htm


实行市场准入负面清单制度是构建开放型经济新体制的必要措施。实施市场准入负面清单和外商投资负面清单制度,有利于加快建立与国际通行规则接轨的现代市场体系,有利于营造法治化的营商环境,促进国际国内要素有序自由流动、资源高效配置、市场深度融合,不断提升我国国际竞争力,是以开放促改革、建设更高水平市场经济体制的有效途径(国务院关于实行市场准入负面清单制度的意见.via: http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2015-10/19/content_10247.htm)。




1. 深化商事制度改革,开展证照分离试点。全面公布地方政府权力和责任清单,在部分地区试行市场准入负面清单制度。——《2016年政府工作报告》,2016

1. We will deepen reform of the business system and launch trials to separate operating permits and business licenses. We will release the lists of all powers and responsibilities of local governments, and begin piloting a negative list for market access in some regions. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016.

2. 深化商事制度改革,进一步简化注册资本登记,逐步实现“三证合一”,清理规范中介服务。制定市场准入负面清单,公布省级政府权力清单、责任清单,切实做到法无授权不可为、法定职责必须为。地方政府对应当放给市场和社会的权力,要彻底放、不截留,对上级下放的审批事项,要接得住、管得好。——《2015年政府工作报告》,2015

2. We will deepen reform of the business system; further simplify the process for capital registration; take gradual steps to integrate the business license, the certificate of organization codes, and the certificate of taxation registration into one certificate; and overhaul and regulate intermediary services. We will draw up a negative list for market access, ensure that provincial-level governments make their lists of powers and responsibilities open to the public, and make sure that anything the law does not authorize is not done, while all duties and functions assigned by law are performed. Local governments must completely let go of powers that should be delegated to the market or society, and properly exercise the power of review over all items that have been delegated to them by higher-level governments. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2015.


例句 1:
实施市场准入负面清单管理制度是我国建立现代治理体系的重要内容, 其目标是从以正面清单为 主的管理方式向以负面清单为主的管理方式全面转型。——“市场准入负面清单管理制度与路径选择:一个总体框架”,载于《改革》2015年07期
Implementation of the market access negative list is an important part of the establishment of a modern management system. Its target is comprehensive restructuring from a positive list-based management to a negative list -based management.

例句 2:
应明确市场准入负面清单管理制度在我国经济管理制 度体系中的功能定位,制定相应的标准和依据,按照科学的程序制定和调整市场准入负面清单,并选择合适的 方式在试点地区积极推进市场准入负面清单制度。——“市场准入负面清单管理制度与路径选择:一个总体框架”,载于《改革》2015年07期
The functional position of the negative list should be clear in our entire economic management system, then we should develop corresponding standards and basis, formulate and adjust the negative list in accordance with scientific procedures, and select appropriate way to actively advance negative list system in pilot areas.

例句 3:





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