字词 | 市场准入负面清单 |
释义 | 市场准入负面清单【英】a negative list for market accessmarket access negative list译文来源[1] Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. via: http://english.gov.cn/premier/news/2016/03/17/content_281475309417987.htm 定义市场准入负面清单制度,是指国务院以清单方式明确列出在中华人民共和国境内禁止和限制投资经营的行业、领域、业务等,各级政府依法采取相应管理措施的一系列制度安排。市场准入负面清单以外的行业、领域、业务等,各类市场主体皆可依法平等进入。 定义来源国务院.国务院关于实行市场准入负面清单制度的意见[Z].2015-10-19. 例句1. 深化商事制度改革,开展证照分离试点。全面公布地方政府权力和责任清单,在部分地区试行市场准入负面清单制度。——《2016年政府工作报告》,2016 1. We will deepen reform of the business system and launch trials to separate operating permits and business licenses. We will release the lists of all powers and responsibilities of local governments, and begin piloting a negative list for market access in some regions. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. 2. 深化商事制度改革,进一步简化注册资本登记,逐步实现“三证合一”,清理规范中介服务。制定市场准入负面清单,公布省级政府权力清单、责任清单,切实做到法无授权不可为、法定职责必须为。地方政府对应当放给市场和社会的权力,要彻底放、不截留,对上级下放的审批事项,要接得住、管得好。——《2015年政府工作报告》,2015 2. We will deepen reform of the business system; further simplify the process for capital registration; take gradual steps to integrate the business license, the certificate of organization codes, and the certificate of taxation registration into one certificate; and overhaul and regulate intermediary services. We will draw up a negative list for market access, ensure that provincial-level governments make their lists of powers and responsibilities open to the public, and make sure that anything the law does not authorize is not done, while all duties and functions assigned by law are performed. Local governments must completely let go of powers that should be delegated to the market or society, and properly exercise the power of review over all items that have been delegated to them by higher-level governments. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2015. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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