

字词 左派


the left; the Left


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 22, 103.




[1] 俞良早,徐芹.经典作家东方落后国家社会发展的重要著作和基本理论[M].人民出版社,2015.
[2] 左派.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%B7%A6%E6%B4%BE.
[3] 刁世存.当代社会思潮与高校思想政治教育[M].中央编译出版社,2015.


1. 1905年统一的工人国际法国支部(SFIO)成立后,所有“马克思主义的”领袖们都成了改良主义的社会主义者。阻碍正统派与修正主义者之间发生争论的另一原因,是让·饶勒斯(Jean Jaurès)所起的作用。他在1914年遇刺前,控制法国左派政治力量长达20年之久。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:19

1. With the foundation of the unified SFIO in 1905, all the ‘Marxist’ leaders had become reformist socialists. An additional reason that prevented the emergence of an orthodox versus revisionist debate was the role played by Jean Jaurès who dominated the French political left for the twenty years before his assassination in 1914. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 22.

2. 当1月初发生大规模街道示威之后,社会民主党政府出来执行指令时,曾爆发一次武装起义,它在几天内就逐渐平息下来。这次起义既非为斯巴达克联盟所发动,也未受其控制,更与它的目标不一致。但是起义却为政府提供了镇压极左派的机会,而且,卢森堡和李卡克内西二人均遭杀害。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:52

2. When the SPD government tried to enforce order after large street demonstrations in the early days of January, there was an armed uprising which petered out in a few days. The revolt was neither initiated, nor controlled by the Spartacus Le ague, nor did it agree with its aims. But it provided the government with the opportunity to crush the extreme left and both Luxemburg and Liebknecht were murdered. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 58.

3. 但到9月,科尔尼洛夫将军发动政变失败,引起了有利于左派的反应。托洛茨基(他刚刚正式加入布尔什维克)任主席的彼得堡苏维埃以及莫斯科苏维埃,都处于布尔什维克的影响之下。无组织的起义席卷了农村地区。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:95

3. But by September the failure of the coup by General Kornilov led to a reaction in favour of the Left. Both the Soviet of St Petersburg, with Trotsky (who had just formally joined the Bolsheviks) as its president, and the Soviet of Moscow fell under Bolshevik influence. Unorganised revolt was widespread in the countryside. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 103.


例句 1:
Together with introducing contentions betweens from “newleft” ideology and liberalism and the mainland new confucian is minteractions. Most interpreters have their own factions and the interpretations stand on the ground of its factions mostly although there are many articles about introducing and criticiseing on the “newleft”. This paper with a view to introduce the “newleft” ideology simply standing on the objective stance.

例句 2:
The rise of Latin American Leftists undoubtedly gives China a lot of inspirations in building socialist harmonious society.

例句 3:
In the 1990s, when China was leading to a secular orbit by the market reform, the social ideological trend in China changed obviously, and the “newleftfaction” occurred at this historical moment. As a kind of influence on social thought, the “newleft” caused a certain degree of interference on China’s reform and opening-up program.





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