

字词 巡视制度


the discipline inspection system


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 93.


巡视制度是中国共产党党内的一项新制度,通过成立专门的巡视机构,制定详细完善的巡视制度,对行政机构工作人员全力实施过程监督管理。巡视制度对党内腐败行为进行严厉的制裁,严肃党风党纪,加强和群众之间的联系,坚决与腐败行为作斗争,稳定我国社会发展。随着改革开放的不断发展,新的经济形势下,巡视制度成为党工作的重点之一。十三届六中全会的召开,为巡视制度的发展提供了机会,在这次会议中,明确提出了中央和省级部门共同成立巡视组,对各地工作进行巡视,巡视组有特殊的权利,工作具有独立性,地方各级政府部门无权干涉巡视组的工作,巡视组直接对中央负责。“2001年9月召开的十五届六中全会明确指出,巡视制度应该在中央和各地区广泛开展,要切实对下一级领导班子及主要负责人的廉政勤政情况进行监督,巡视组要如实的向中央反馈巡视的结果。”(邱全,2015: 18)2003年,以胡锦涛总书记为首的中央领导集体,非常重视巡视工作的推广,中央政治局工作的核心就是不断的完善巡视工作制度,党的领导人多次在会议上指出,当前我党建设的根本任务就是廉政建设,廉政建设关系到国家的兴衰存亡,只有加强党内监督,才能提高廉政建设能力和水平,巡视制度是加强党内监督的有效手段之一,应该不断完善制度和加强推广,充分发挥巡视制度的作用,推动我国反腐倡廉工作的顺利开展。当前我国巡视制度工作的重点是对各地党政一把手进行监督调查,因为他们手握重权,有可能成为腐败的根源,只有不断地提高监督程度,才能让这些一把手严加自律,努力为人民服务。




1. 主要是加强党对党风廉政建设和反腐败工作统一领导,明确党委负主体责任、纪委负监督责任,制定实施切实可行的责任追究制度;健全反腐败领导体制和工作机制,改革和完善各级反腐败协调小组职能,规定查办腐败案件以上级纪委领导为主;体现强化上级纪委对下级纪委的领导,规定线索处置和案件查办在向同级党委报告的同时必须向上级纪委拫告;全面落实中央纪委向中央一级党和国家机关派驻纪检机构,改进中央和省区市巡视制度,做到对地方、部门、企事业单位全覆盖。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:83

1. The main points are: strengthening the Party’s unified leadership to build a clean and honest government and combat corruption; ensuring that Party committees bear primary responsibility and the commissions for discipline inspection take the responsibility for oversight, and working out and implementing a feasible accountability system; improving the leading and working mechanisms for anti-corruption efforts, reforming and improving the functions of anti-corruption coordination groups at all levels, and leaving the investigation of corruption cases mainly to commissions for discipline inspection of higher levels; strengthening the leadership role of the higher levels over the lower levels of the discipline inspection commissions, and the simultaneous reporting of the related investigation process to the Party committee at the same level and the commission for discipline inspection at the next-higher level; and fully ensuring that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection dispatches resident discipline inspection agencies to the central-level departments of the Party and the government, and improving the discipline inspection system at both the central and local levels, so that it covers all regions, all sectors, all enterprises and all public institutions. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 93.


例句 1:
our system Chinese Communist Party’s inspection tour system is an institutional innovation in implementing the requirement of strictly administer the party, strengthening inner-party supervision under the new situation, which has made an unprecedented results in supervise inner-party leading cadres.

例句 2:
The article was based on the spirit of the Eighteenth National Congress of the communist Party of China, the Third and Fourth plenary Session, by comparing the domestic and international, the history and the the method of systematic study. We first to study the meaning of the inspection system, theocratic foundation. Combing the development and the implementation of inspection system before The Party's Eighteenth Congress .The article focus on the development of innovative since the Party's Eighteenth Congress, and discuss from the innovation of system design and ways of work. Finally, we analysis the effects of implementation and practical difficultie





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