

字词 封建经济


feudal economy


Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 310,695.


封建经济一般指资本主义前的经济,即封建的社会生产关系或经济制度,如欧洲的中世纪,中国自周秦以来到满清的社会历史时期。封建地主占有基本生产资料即土地,同时封建地主不完全占有直接生产者即农奴是封建社会生产关系的基础在封建制度下,封建地主阶级拥有最广大部分的土地,农民完全没有或只有很少的土地。农奴是唯一的生产者,受着极为残酷的剥削和压榨,其生产的产品,用来供封建主阶级享用。(《新知识词典》编辑室,1958:971)封建经济的基本特征主要是:第一,剥削具有明显性;第二,农奴耕种地主的土地,与地主存在人身依附关系,农奴没有人身自由和政治权利;第三,农民为地主耕种土地或租种地主的土地,可以建立自己的小私有经济;第四,封建主对拥有小块土地的农民采取超经济的强制,以压榨更多的剩余价值;第五,封建剥削经济主要以自然经济为前提,占有的主要是实物形态。“与奴隶制比较起来,农民由于有一定程度的人身自由,又有自己的生产工具,收成好坏与本身利益有一定联系,因而对生产有一定的积极性,从而又促进了生产力的发展。在封建社会后期,随着生产力和商品经济的发展,封建社会的生产关系逐步瓦解,资本主义经济关系渐渐萌芽。最后通过资产阶级革命,资本主义社会终于取代了封建社会”。(《中国乡镇企业管理百科全书》编委会,1998:36 )


[1] 《新知识词典》编辑室.新知识词典[Z].新知识出版社,1958.
[2] 《中国乡镇企业管理百科全书》编委会.中国乡镇企业管理百科全书[Z].农业出版社,1998.


1. 这些情形,不仅对中国封建经济的基础起了解体的作用,同时又给中国资本主义生产的发展造成了某些客观的条件和可能。因为自然经济的破坏,给资本主义造成了商品的市场,而大量农民和手工业者的破产,又给资本主义造成了劳动力的市场。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1965:626

1. Apart from its disintegrating effects on the foundations of China’s feudal economy, this state of affairs gave rise to certain objective conditions and possibilities for the development of capitalist production in China. For the destruction of the natural economy created a commodity market for capitalism, while the bankruptcy of large numbers of peasants and handicrafts men provided it with a home market. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 310.

2. 如我们在第三节中已经提过的话,中国自从发生了资本主义经济以来,中国社会就逐渐改变了性质,它不是完全的封建社会了,变成了半封建社会,虽然封建经济还是占优势。这种资本主义经济,对于封建经济说来,它是新经济。同这种资本主义新经济同时发生和发展着的新政治力量,就是资产阶级、小资产阶级和无产阶级的政治力量。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1965:695

2. As we have already stated in Section 3, Chinese society has gradually changed in character since the emergence of a capitalist economy in China; it is no longer an entirely feudal but a semi-feudal society, although the feudal economy still predominates. Compared with the feudal economy, this capitalist economy is a new one. The political forces of the bourgeoisie, the petty bourgeoisie and the proletariat are the new political forces which have emerged and grown simultaneously with this new capitalist economy. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 370.


例句 1:
We should realize that after Tang Dynasty established such system, the governments of different dynasties adopted such system because it was very important for the feudal economic.

例句 2:
Ning Ke’s researches on economic forms in Chinese feudal society present logical and progressive features, which not only study structural connotation of economic forms in Chinese feudal society, but also study political superstructure democracy that is political system in feudal countries based on the feudal economic foundation. 
例句 3:
As the inevitable result of the development of feudal economy and social history in medieval Western Europe, the contents of city charter mainly confirmed the autonomies and other privileges of the cities, defining all kinds of liberties, economic and legal privileges among others that the citizens enjoyed.





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