

字词 宗教




McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 115.


我们现在常用的“宗教”一词,源于英文“religion”,意义广泛,主要意指对神道的信仰。尽管“宗教”为外来词,但我国古籍上亦有类似的说法。神道设教的思想,古已有之,它是把宗教理解为用鬼神之道来教化人民。《礼记·祭义》说:“合鬼与神,教之至也”。其意是说,对鬼神的信仰与崇拜,是教化人民的至理。我国近代有些学者仍根据这个传统来解释“宗教”的涵义:宗者本也;宗教者,有所本而以为教也。他们所谓的“本”,即本诸神道。这是“神道设教”的另一种说法。19世纪末、20世纪初的近代西方宗教学以宗教人类学和宗教史学为主流,学者们着重研究人类历史上宗教的形成和演进。传统宗教以神道信仰为中心的历史事实,使宗教学者自然倾向于把宗教理解为某种以神道为中心的信仰系统。但由于学者们逐渐积累了世界历史上各种神道宗教的经验事实,对它们进行比较性的研究,这就促使宗教学者们超出特定宗教的神道,把各种各样的宗教信仰对象抽象化、一般化,使用“无限存在物”、“精灵实体”或“超世的”、“超自然存在”之类抽象的哲学概念来表述,使之适用于世界历史上的各种宗教体系。随着改革开放的进展,情况逐渐发生变化。对宗教的多元化理解在对马克思主义宗教理论的解释与应用中也越来越明显地表现出来。分别的三种类型: 一类是以宗教信仰和崇拜的对象为中心的;一类是以宗教信仰的主体为中心的;另一类则是论述宗教之社会功能的。(吕大吉,1998)


[1] 吕大吉.宗教是什么?——宗教的本质、基本要素及其逻辑结构[J].世界宗教研究,1998(02).
[2] 李晓龙.对宗教、民族、国家安全的统一考量——试论习近平的宗教工作思想的理论特色与理论内涵[Z].中国宗教学术网,2016.via:


1. 该书的基本概念是唯物主义和唯心主义这两大互相冲突的哲学派别。对唯心主义哪怕作出最微小的让步最终都将导致信仰主义和宗教,从而在客观上帮助和拯救了资产阶级。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:3

1. The basic concept in the book was that two philosophical schools confronted each other: materialism and idealism. The slightest concession to idealism would objectively give aid and succour to the bourgeoisie by ending up in fideism and religion.-Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 114-115.

2. 一神论宗教是神话和历史之间的一种妥协,是支配生产的循环时间和人口重组、地区冲突的不可逆时间之间的一种妥协。出自犹太教的宗教是不可逆时间的抽象普遍确认。出自犹太教的宗教是不可逆时间的抽象普遍确认.这一不可逆时间是民主化的,并向一切开放.但只是在幻想的王国。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:120

2. Monotheistic religions were a compromise between myth and history, between the cyclical time which still dominated the sphere of production and the irreversible time which was the theater of conflicts and realignments between peoples. The religions that evolved out of Judaism were the abstract universal recognition of an irreversible time now democratized, open to all, yet still confinedto the realm of illusion.-Quoted fromA Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 174.

3. 暴力恐怖活动漠视基本人权、践踏人道正义、挑战的是人类文明共同的底线,既不是民族问题,也不是宗教问题,而是各族人民的共同敌人。我们要坚定不移相信和依靠各族干部群众,团结他们一道维护民族团结和社会稳定。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014: 203

3. Terrorism denies basic human rights, tramples on humanitarian justice and challenges the shared norms of human civilization. It is not an issue of ethnicity,nor an issue of religion. Terrorists are the common enemy of people of all ethnic groups. We should firmly trust and rely on the officials and the general public of all ethnic groups~ and unite with them in safeguarding ethnic unity and social stability. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 224.


例句 1:
The global resurgence of religion and the return of religion from the so-call “Westphalia Exile” to the central stage of international religions have significantly transformed the viewpoints of both media and academia toward the role of religion in IR, and the challenges posed by religion to the contemporary international relations are often described as entirely subversive.

例句 2:
In the process of realizing the socialist religion under the rule of law, we should deal with three basic issues appropriately in the perspective of Constitution and law, and establish a rule-based pattern to manage specific religious affairs.

例句 3:
Since the global religious resurgence occurred in the 1970s, the role of religion in international politics has becoming increasingly prominent, especially in terms of its influence on issues relating to national and international security.





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