字词 | 多形式、宽领域合作 |
释义 | 多形式、宽领域合作【英】cooperation of various forms and in a broad range of areas译文来源http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-06/09/c_136353884.htm 例句1. 中方支持上海合作组织同观察员国、对话伙伴以及其他国家开展多形式、宽领域合作,并根据有关规定和协商一致原则继续认真研究有关国家获得本组织法律地位的申请。--《习近平主席在上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第十七次会议上的讲话》 1. China supports the SCO in carrying out cooperation of various forms and in a broad range of areas with its observer states and dialogue partners as well as other countries, and in further reviewing the applications from the related countries for legal status in the SCO in accordance with its regulations and the principle of consensus.--Quoted from The Speech Given by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the 17th Meeting of Council of Heads of States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) |
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