字词 | 多元调解 |
释义 | 多元调解【英】multimodal dispute mediation译文来源http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2016-03/17/c_135198880.htm 例句1. 改进信访工作,完善多元调解机制,有效化解矛盾纠纷,促进社会平安祥和。——《政府工作报告——2016年3月5日李克强在第十二届全国人民代表大会第四次会议上》 1. We will improve on work related to the handling of complaints made by letter or in person and refine the mechanisms for multimodal dispute mediation, so as to address disputes and ensure social peace and harmony.—Quoted from Report on the Work of the GovernmentDelivered at the Fourth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress ofthe People’s Republic of China on March 5, 2016 |
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