字词 | 外观(又作假象) |
释义 | 外观(又作假象)【英】appearance; look; illusion译文来源[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1480. 定义外观亦译“形象”、“显现”。德国席勒用语。指审美过程中对人具有特殊意义的事物和外在形态。席勒认为实在是事物存在本身,它不依赖于人的活动,自在自为;外观则是人的主观能力(感觉、知觉、想像、知性等)的构造物,是人的创造。外观对人的意义,由主体的状态决定。处于动物状态的野人只有物质的需要而对事物的外观不感兴趣;脱离动物状态而获得人性的人则超越实在性而喜爱外观、装饰和游戏。外观的基本特点是“正直的”不联系事物的实际存在,只联系事物呈现在感官之前的形象;是“独立的”,不需要实在任何帮助。外观是人的作品,包含有理智内容,但它不同于逻辑外观。美的艺术的本质就是外观。审美外观与伦理道德有密切关系,审美外观的范围有多大,它在道德世界中的范围就有多大(金炳华等,2001:1480)。逻辑外观因冒充真理而损害真理,只是一种欺骗;审美外观则表明自己仅仅是外在形态,因而无害于真理,美的艺术的本质就是外观。审美外观与伦理道德有密切关系,人从“物质状态”经由“审美状态”进入“道德状态”,即从“感性的人”变成“理性的人”,便摆脱了“关系网的一切束缚”,“从一切物质的和精神的压力中解放出来”,以不关心的态度去欣赏事物的外观,这时就产生了美,“审美外观的范围有多大,它在道德世界中的范围就有多大”(朱立元等,2010)。外观既是感性的,又是理性的。这种外观,实质上就是艺术形象。通过知觉的外观,是发现美的途径。 定义来源[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞文出版社,2001. 例句1. 对此,列宁非常深刻地进一步发挥道:“为自己绘制客观世界图景的人的活动改变外部现实,消灭它的规定性(=变更它的这些或那些方面、质),这样,也就去掉了它的外观、外在性和虚无性的特点,使它成为自在自为地存在着的(=客观真实的)。”在这段表述中,列宁第一次明确规定实践绘制客观世界图景,这是最终确定实践辩证法在哲学本体层次上的重要地位。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:34 1. Thereby, Lenin, with lots of insights, goes further to argue, "By drawing a vista of the objective world, men change the external reality, annihilate its prescriptiveness (=modify its appearance or property here and there), and thus wipe off its characteristics in terms of its look, surface and nihi1ity, making it a self-containing entity (=objective and true)." In this paragraph, Lenin for the first time stipulates that practice should paint the vista of the objective' world, which eventually establishes practical dialectic's important role in the philosophical sense of ontology. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 59. 2. 这就意味着,黑格尔没有发现现实中的异化实际上是人的本质的异化,而不仅仅是这种现实异化之反映的观念的异化。因此,全部外化历史和外化的整个复归,不过是抽象的、绝对的思维的生产史,即逻辑的思辨的思维的生产史,黑格尔将现实的异化仅仅看作是观念异化的外观和公开形式。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:258 2. This implies that Hegel has not discovered that estrangement in reality is actually the estrangement of the human essence, not the estrangement of the ideal that reflects this estrangement of reality. The whole history of the alienation process [Entaufierungsgeschichte] and the whole process of the retraction of the alienation is therefore nothing but the history of the production of abstract (i.e., absolute) thought —of logical, speculative thought. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 195. 3. 在这种情况下,“虚假”、“假象”的含义就决不是武断的,而恰恰是客观经济结构的思想反映。因此,例如:“劳动力的价值或价格却具有劳动本身的价格或价值的外观”,“仿佛全部劳动都是有偿的劳动......这种虚假的外观......反之,奴隶的那部分有偿的劳动,却好象是无偿的劳动。”因此,阐明一般地讲事物在什么样的情况下,才能真正揭露假象,才能达到和总体的真正联系,就是依靠客观可能性的范畴进行细致历史分析的任务。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:106 3. This condition is given as a definite structural relation, a definite formal nexus which appears to govern the whole of life. The ‘falseness’, the illusion implicit in this situation is in no sense arbitrary; it is simply the intellectual reflex of the objective economic structure. Thus, for example, “the value or price of labour itself…”and “the illusion is created that the totality is paid labour…In contrast to that, under slavery even that protion of labour which is paid for appears unpaid for.” Now it requires the most painstaking historical analysis to use the category of objective possibility so as to isolate the conditions in which this illusion can be exposed and a real connection with the totality established. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 52. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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