字词 | 复兴黑格尔主义 |
释义 | 复兴黑格尔主义【英】a renewal of Hegelianism译文来源[1] Franz Rosenzweig. via: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rosenzweig/ 定义复兴黑格尔主义是新黑格尔主义运动的口号。黑格尔去世后,黑格尔主义日趋衰弱。19世纪末20世纪初,资产阶级在完成向垄断资本主义过渡之后迫切需要一种哲学为“国家之上”、“民族至上”作论证,在这种历史背景下文德尔班率先喊出“复兴黑格尔主义”的口号。1919年原新康德主义者文德尔班在海德尔堡科学院发表了《黑格尔主义的复兴》的讲演,宣称只有黑格尔哲学才能满足“年青一代对世界观的渴求”。在《哲学导论》一书中,文德尔班也以“复兴黑格尔主义”为题作了专门阐述。经过文德尔班的倡导,“复兴黑格尔主义”很快成为新黑格尔主义运动的主要口号。新黑格尔主义在各国的代表一般都打着这一旗号。“复兴黑格尔主义”实质是通过对黑格尔哲学的客观主义、理性主义和辩证法的歪曲和利用,从右的方面复活黑格尔哲学(金炳华等,2001:398)。 定义来源金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001. 例句1. 面对蒲鲁东的这种陈词滥调,马克思真有些哭笑不得,因为在他看来,蒲鲁东并没有真正理解黑格尔的辩证法,却将黑格尔的辩证法漫画式地到处挪用。大约在1844年前后,马克思甚至反躬自省,“在长时间的,往往是整夜的争论中,我使他沾染了黑格尔主义,这对他是非常有害的,因为他不懂得德文,不能认真地研究黑格尔主义”。马克思的这段文字十分让人玩味,它一方面说使蒲鲁东沾染了黑格尔主义,另一方面又说他不能认真地研究黑格尔主义。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:460-461 1. Marx did not know whether to laugh or cry as he read Proudhon’s hackneyed words, because he believed that Proudhon had not truly understood Hegel’s dialectic but was comically using it all over his text. Years later, in reflecting on his time with Proudhon in Paris, Marx regretfully wrote “In the course of lengthy debates often lasting all night, I infected him very much to his detriment with Hegelianism, which, owing to his lack of German, he could not study properly.” There is much to ponder here; on the one hand, Marx writes that Proudhon was infected with Hegelianism, while on the other hand he writes that Proudhon could not seriously study Hegelianism. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 361. 2. 乍一看这似乎有些矛盾,其实它言近旨远,却蕴涵着更深一层的含义:第一个“黑格尔主义”是指黑格尔的观念决定论的唯心主义思辨外壳,这正是蒲鲁东在《贫困的哲学》中所津津乐道的;第二个“黑格尔主义”是指黑格尔哲学中真正有价值的历史辩证法,这又是蒲鲁东还没有学到的东西。马克思说:“蒲鲁东是天生地倾向辩证法的。但是他从来也不懂得真正科学的辩证法。”这里的“科学辩证法”,是指马克思在1845年以后重新“回到”黑格尔所获得的哲学新视域,也就是作为方法论历史唯物主义核心的真正彻底的历史辩证法。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:461 2. At first glance this may appear contradictory, but it actually carries a deeper level of meaning: the first “Hegelianism” refers to the idealist speculative outer shell of Hegel’s idea determinism—this appears again and again in Proudhon’s Philosophy of Poverty. The second “Hegelianism” refers to the historical dialectic, which was one element of Hegel’s philosophy that was truly valuable—this was what Proudhon was never able to learn. Marx writes: “Proudhon had a natural inclination for dialectics. But as he never grasped really scientific dialectics he never got further than sophistry.” Marx uses “scientific dialectics” in reference to his “return” to the new philosophical outlook that Hegel obtained after 1845—a truly profound historical dialectic on which was centered methodological historical materialism. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 361. 3. 可以理解,黑格尔的体系在德国的富有哲学味道的气氛中曾发生了多么巨大的影响。这是一次胜利进军,它延续了几十年,而且决没有随着黑格尔的逝世而停止。相反地,正是在1830到1840年这个时期,“黑格尔主义”的独占统治达到了顶点,它甚至或多或少地感染了自己的敌人;正是在这个时期,黑格尔的观点自觉地或不自觉地大量浸入了各种科学,甚至渗透了通俗读物和日报,而普通的“有教养的意识”就是从这些通俗读物和日报中汲取自己的思想材料的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷):路德维希·费尔巴哈和德国古典哲学的终结》,1965:311 3. One can imagine what a tremendous effect this Hegelian system must have produced in the philosophy-tinged atmosphere of Germany. It was a triumphal procession which lasted for decades and which by no means came to a standstill on the death of Hegel. On the contrary, it was precisely from 1830 to 1840 that “Hegelianism” reigned most exclusively, and to a greater or lesser extent infected even its opponents. It was precisely in this period that Hegelian views, consciously or unconsciously, most extensively penetrated the most diversified sciences and leavened even popular literature and the daily press, from which the average “educated consciousness” derives its mental pabulum. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26): Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy, 1990: 362-362. |
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